"The gravy train is being replaced with the firing (like getting fired) squad. Outside the Washington bubble, few tears would be shed. But inside the Washington elite, Donald Trump is like Satan. HOW DARE HE come in and do such a thing! Short answer - he can because over 77,000,000 of us asked him to do it."
Oh my, oh my! How things have changed! Not too long ago, if you wanted a job for life, without having to worry about producing any work product, the US Government was the place to be! Full disclosure - I have been inside the catacombs of Washington procurement. One of my active duties, I was asked to do some work which was not my normal NOBC (Cryptology). My secondary NOBC was Procurement, so for two weeks, I worked some procurement stuff at the old NAVELEX command. I loved it, but I think many of the government workers who worked with me were glad to see me leave. Why? I made them work.
The gravy train seems to have been replaced by the Trump Train. What has hit Washington DC this past month, has been like an asteroid. This "Life of Riley", go along, get along job fair on the Potomac is coming to an end. All those IRS agents that Biden hired are either packing their bags, or have been reassigned to the southern border, working for DHS. The 4,400 employees who work at the Department of Education, have no future. If that department goes bye-bye, so will they go. And the Department of Education is the smallest department of them all.
The humorous thing which happened yesterday was Trump sent Elon a message telling him he is doing a good job, but let's step up the pace a bit. Message received. By the end of the day, Elon sent out an email to all government workers asking them to describe exactly what they have accomplished during the week. You mean work product? HOW DARE YOU ELON! The real kicker was the caveat at the end of the email. "Failure to do so, will be considered your resignation". What a mean guy! How dare he try and run the government like a private business! Work product for a government worker - what the heck is that?
During one of my two-week military tours at headquarters, the workday started at 8:00 am. Well, sort of. I have always been a morning person and like to hit it harder in the morning than in the afternoon. But this group at headquarters, reminded me of a TV sitcom. Guys sitting around, reading the Washinton Post, talking about the Redskins, of just exchanging some other kinds of bs. At 11:00, people could take a two-hour lunch, if they promised to get some exercise. Then by 4:00 in the afternoon, the office was a ghost town. If they had to report to Elon what they got done, it would more fiction than fact.
Our government workers are lethargic and live in the world of largess. Some are good, most are not. One higher rated GS person I worked with, spend a good part of his day being a day trader. Yes, things were that bad. Here is the long and the short of it. The gravy train is being replaced with the firing (like getting fired) squad. Outside the Washington bubble, few tears would be shed. But inside the Washington elite, Donald Trump is like Satan. HOW DARE HE come in and do such a thing! Short answer - he can because over 77,000,000 of us asked him to do it. Elections do have consequences.
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