Friday, February 28, 2025

Trump and the killing fields of Ukraine

"Where Putin could have become a true world leader with a country on the cusp of greatness, instead he is a war criminal and a pariah. Russia now has the same reputation that the Soviet Empire had in its heyday. What was gained? Not much. What was lost? Blood and treasure."

Donald Trump hates part of Ukraine. Not the country itself, but the nonstop fighting which has taken place over the Ukrainian landscape. To Donald Trump, to see thousands of dead bodies on the battlefield, of both Ukraine and Russian heritage - is an abomination. A travesty. A crime against humanity. Through the eyes of Trump, he would like to see the fighting end immediately, and the process of healing to start. Healing means to bury the dead and start the massive cleanup. The rebuilding of ruined cities. A partnership with Ukraine to mine their Rare Earth minerals. In other words, move on from the hell the past three years brought, and craft a different future.

Today, President Zelenskyy is coming to Washington to meet with President Trump. Even though bullets are still flying in his homeland, and people are still dying, peace might be around the corner. Rebuilding might be sooner rather than later. With the help of the United States, mining for profitable minerals might be very close. In other words, just like Trump did with Kim Jong Um during his first term, Trump is trying to shape the future for a land which until recently, had no future. Unfortunately, this failed with North Korea. Hopefully, this will work with Ukraine.

Is Trump then a pacifist? Against all killing no matter what? Nope. He believes in peace through strength, having the military muscle in case he ever needs it. Most can remember what happened to General Qasem Soleimani. If you are a purveyor of death, a threat to America, a disruptor of world peace, Donald Trump will unleash our military on you. But if you cherish peace, and want goodwill for all, you can live in Donald Trump's world, unscratched and untethered.

It will be interesting to see how this fragile peace in Ukraine will play out. First and foremost, it means that Russia will have to behave itself. No more incursions into Georgia, Crimea or other parts of Ukraine. Those days are over. The hangover for Russia, when this Ukraine war is over, is a more muscular and broadened NATO. It also means a new US base in Poland called Fort Trump. Ukraine may not become a part of NATO, but NATO will be all around Ukraine. Plus, the United States will be in Ukraine - not as boots on the ground, but miners of Rare Earth minerals.

The past three years have been regrettable. Someday even Putin will realize what this needless war cost him. Hundreds of thousands of his troops - dead. A big chunk of his armored weaponry - destroyed. Goodwill of most of the people in Europe - gone. No, where Putin could have become a true world leader with a country on the cusp of greatness, instead he is a war criminal and a pariah. Russia now has the same reputation that the Soviet Empire had in its heyday. What was gained? Not much. What was lost? Blood and treasure. Lots and lots of blood and treasure. 


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