Thursday, February 27, 2025

Strange times with quantum entanglement...

"Some fear that AI will be the runaway science which will put us all at risk. Maybe - or it could be the parallel universes discovered (or not) by quantum entanglements. In any event, we are about to enter a brave new world. Ready or not, it is coming. If not us, then China."      

What the Sam Hill is going on? Just when you thought this new type of computing would take us to new levels and speeds, the unexplained happened. And not just once. Now I am the last person to try and explain quantum anything, as it is way, way over my head. I do know this however - one of the constructs of quantum physics is something called quantum entanglement. This is so bizarre, so "out there", that in 1935 renown scientists such as Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen and Albert Einstein called quantum entanglement "spooky action at a distance". 

Now we will take a trip down the wild side. Google recently came out with a new quantum chip called Willow. It was going to be a game changer. Faster than fast, it was going to light up the industry. It would be the first of many faster and better quantum chips in this developing industry. But then the unexpected happened. During testing of Willow, some odd things happened. Some things started appearing on the readouts which first appeared to be errors. So, the techs tried it again. And again, strange and unexpected results started to appear in the printouts. So strange, they stopped the testing.

The big cheese at Google AI computing, the founder of quantum AI at Google, really shook things up with his take on what is going on with Willow. In so many words, he said the unexpected results were proof of parallel universes. To him, that was the only logical reason for the types of returns the testing revealed. Wait - what? Is this what Einstein was trying to warn us about? That our knowledge of physics would be turned upside down with quantum entanglements?

Where does that leave this blossoming industry? Will it be shut down? Just call it a mistake. Nope - it is full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes. Amazon just came out with their new quantum chip called Ocelot. Microsoft came out with a new chip called Majorana 1. Will China be left behind? Nope - they have come out with a 504-qubit quantum chip. Will China start to see the same "spooky results" that Google did? If they do, China might keep that finding to themselves. 

Some fear that AI will be the runaway science which will put us all at risk. Maybe - or it could be the parallel universes discovered (or not) by quantum entanglements. In any event, we are about to enter a brave new world. Ready or not, it is coming. If not for us, then for China.      


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