"Going forward this month, we will have Tulsi, Bobby Jr. and Kash all up for total Senate confirmation. The socialists and progressives in the Senate hate each one of these picks. Well, tough toenails. The betting pools in Las Vegas are giving over 90% probability of confirmation to each of them."
Here we are on Super Bowl weekend, and I am using a sports analogy. I would like to say it was original from me, but hey - this has been used for years. I only recently heard it used in politics when a senator told one of Trump's cabinet picks, "Don't worry about the other side - this vote will once again come down to shirts and skins." Fortunately, the Republicans have more "skins" in the game this time around than the Democrats do.
If I were shallower, I would go on a diatribe on how petty, childish and churlish the Democrats are. But I won't. I hate to state the obvious, and my readers hate when I do it. Suffice it to say, the Republicans were once again played for chumps, as when Biden paraded his freak show in front of the Senate to get approval for cabinet picks, many Republicans voted Aye. Democrats on the other hand, stick to their monolithic nature and not only vote Nay on just about every Trump pick, but also do the best to slow the train down. Lessons learned. Now that we know how to play the game, should the Democrats ever get back in power, we will know what to do.
And this Elon Musk and the tribe he has working for him - what a stir they are causing. Seems like the disinfectant called truth is not going over well. Some things in the USAID are better to remain hidden. Even the local paper was caterwauling this morning about ALL the farmers in this state who will be hurt if USAID goes away. Not true. USAID, the corrupt cancer that it is, needs to be killed and quickly. It will be replaced by a viable organization within the State Department, which is corruption free, and works for everybody (even our farmers).
Going forward this month, we will have Tulsi, Bobby Jr. and Kash all up for total Senate confirmation. The socialists and progressives in the Senate hate each one of these picks. Well, tough toenails. The betting pools in Las Vegas are giving over 90% probability of confirmation to each of them. So far, the ones who have been confirmed and sworn in are doing very well. Especially Pam Bondi. Ladies and gentlemen - this is what a REAL AG looks and acts like. Enjoy the ride.
After seeing the Democrats take to the streets and threaten war on the Republicans (again), I was reminded of my former prediction. With hatred this strong, with vitriol this clear to so many, we can't live with each other anymore. Maybe we need a national divorce. Maybe we can't stand each other anymore. Maybe the western part of our country (except for the coastal states) and western Canada need to form a new country called "Normal America". And then the rest of the US and eastern Canada can form a new country called "Not-normal America". Just a thought.
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