Monday, December 31, 2012

Oh, What a relief it is...

"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz - Oh, what a relief it is!"

Well, it is finally here. Year's end. Rather than looking back on what has been done and regretting what has been left undone, we have to prepare ourselves for the fiscal cliff. Not the consequences of such - no, the non-stop, wall to wall news coverage. Not only the news coverage, but the Washington D. C. blame game. As if we did not have enough reasons to drink on New Years Eve, this issue is enough to make a drunk out of Carrie Nation.

We trip into this new year with nothing but unresolved issues. It reminds me of me at an early age. When I had a bunch of ugly homework assignments to do and did not want to finish them, I would pretend they were gone and focus on something more pleasurable. I think the Freudian way of looking at this was my Id would out-muscle my Super Ego. Unfortunately, there was always a day of reckoning. Accountability. Consequences.

Starting on Wednesday, there will be many that just want to move on. In fact, the President was on Meet the Press talking about what was really important to him. Benghazi? Fiscal cliff? Upcoming debt limit? No - gun control. Gun control and immigration reform feed the Id for our President. His Super Ego knows that fixing this sick economy should be front and center. Four years ago when the economy was really sick, the President's Id allowed him to focus on Liddy Ledbetter and ObamaCare. The result? Four years of anemic growth, chronic unemployment and one more out of control entitlement. This four years could be deja' vu all over again.

So tonight as we toast in the new year, feel sorry for the baby 2013. It will not be treated as well as it deserves. Adult thinking and responsibility will continue to be in short supply. The leadership and stewardship in our country has been replaced by hundreds of rounds of golf and lots of days of vacation. The fighting will continue and more will want us to either cherry pick or re-write our Constitution as well as the Holy Bible. Yes, 2013 could be a rough ride for all.

Tonight, I will lift a glass to toast in the new year. Tomorrow morning however, will be a different story. Reality will have set in. The party will be over and the hangover will start. I will be looking for something, anything, to give me plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is... 

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