Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Night that Jesus Came

This article is one I used on my previous blog. It was taken from Worship.Net on March 24, 2005. It is a true story that was orginally printed in a southern newspaper in June 2001(author unknown). I felt in light of what happened yesterday on the East Coast, this would be appropriate for today.

There was a atheist couple who had a very sweet little girl...they never told her about the Lord and did their best to discredit or entirely keep all knowledge of the Lord from her... One night when the little girl was only five years old, her parents fought viciously with each other. It certainly wasn’t the first time she had seen any fights break out between them, but this time was by far the worst, and it scared her terribly. In the end, her Father shot her Mother and then turned the gun on himself. This little girl saw the horrors of it ALL... She was then made a ward of the state and was sent to live in a foster home. The foster mother was a Christian woman and took the little girl to church with her every Sunday. However, the first day of Sunday school, the foster mother informed her teacher that the little girl had never heard of Jesus and to have patience with her. After hearing the little girl’s sad story, the teacher agreed... During the course of Sunday school, the teacher happened to hold up a picture of Jesus and asked her class, "Does anyone know who this man is and why He is so famous?" The little girl held up her hand and mystified as well as rather intrigued, the teacher called on her with a kind smile. The little girl smiled back and then the smile faded and her eyes took on a very sad and far away expression as she answered in a small voice barely heard, "I DO know who He is because that is the man who was holding me the night my parents died."

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