Thursday, January 24, 2013

Change Agent


"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts"

Arnold Bennett

Change agent. Agent of change. Years ago I worked for a woman who wanted everyone on her staff to wear this mantra. If you did not want to be a change agent, you best look for work elsewhere. Those who learned to speak "change" did very well working for her. Those that did not, did not. One day I had a sit down with her on the entire subject of change. I told her that I did not think that everything needed change - some things were presently optimal. That conversation quickly put me in the bad category and soon I was working for someone else.

I listen to Andrew Wilkow most every evening. I like him. He is smart, to the point, and I usually learn something every show. Tonight he was talking about change. That is what brought back memories of working for the change agent lady. He pointed out something very interesting. The current Administration seems hell bent on changing EVERYTHING, whether it needs changing or not. Someone who is suspicious might think the Administration is doing that as a diversion - to take the gaze off our REAL problems. We are being overwhelmed, blinded by constant change.

The latest solution in search of a problem is the women in combat issue. This is a nutty idea. As a retired Naval officer, I served with hundreds of women. All just as capable as the men I worked with. However, I was in cryptology - not combat. Women are different than men. For the most part, they are not as big, not as strong, however just a tough. There are many things that women can do in the battlefield short of being on the front line. They have done it in the past and have done it with valor. Now that this subject has been broached, it will be the pet rock for the lap dog media for many news cycles to come. Change for the sake of change. Meanwhile, the debt clock continues to go tick tock, tick tock, tick tock to a tune of $4B/day.

The change which was rolled out today is even bigger. It is Senator DiFi's gun control measure. DiFi, herself a carry permit holder, wants to take as many guns away from law abiding citizens as possible. She and many on the Left believe the Second Amendment was put together in haste, in a different time, and needs immediate CHANGE. We just need to take guns away from the good people and then the bad people will follow suit. It is only because of the good people having guns that the bad people do bad things. The big problem for the Left is this - any gun control measure, no matter how hard it is pushed, is dead on arrival. We know it, they know it. This will not stop the lap dog media from using gallons of ink on the subject. Honest, law abiding citizens who own guns will be referred by the usual names - rednecks, Neanderthals, troglodytes and so on. While all this is going on, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

To quote from Wayne Allyn Root's article in the Law Vegas Review-Journal from June 2010:

"Barack Hussein Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. On the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within. Barack Hussein Obama was my college classmate.(Columbia University, class of '83)
Barack Hussein Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University... they outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands."
Don't be fooled folks. He knows exactly what he is doing. By keeping the news cycles so clogged with crap, the country is being changed right under our noses. We are the frogs in the boiling water. If we don't wake up and hold our representatives accountable, we will find our country in 2016 looking nothing like it did in 2008. We have almost 50 million people on food stamps, millions still out of the work force, millions more on some kind of government assistance, and not a peep out of the press. Southern Europe is not healed, and can still drag the world into another and deeper recession. On top of that, we are going to hollow out our defense department when we still have to deal with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea and the emergence of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

So as we are getting all cuddled up with new change that means nothing, Rome continues to burn as Nero plays a lively tune on his fiddle. What are the people doing? Making merry, and dancing to the sound of the music in the glow of the burning fires. God help us if we don't wake up.

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