Friday, March 22, 2013

The Party of Know

"A rising tide lifts all boats"
How in the world did the Republican Party get such a tawdry reputation? How did the "Party of Know" become the "Party of No"? How did the Republican Party become associated with the party of old white guys? Is there anyone else sick to death of hearing the term "re-branding"?
My belief is this - when the Republican Party sticks with conservative principles, they are fine. It is when they try to walk the tightrope between conservative and Democrat they get in trouble. The Republicans will never outspend the Democrats, so when they try, their base erodes.
If the Republicans stick with conservative values, there is NOTHING wrong with the message and "re-branding" should never be mentioned again. Somehow, through constant revisionist history (mostly taught in our public schools), Republicans have become known as the oppressors of minorities, instead of promulgating policies of liberation. The conservative message always has been, and always will be equal opportunity. That message has been hijacked by the Democrats to be "equal outcome". That has never been a part of our national fabric and it darned sure is not in our Constitution.
When Ronald Reagan first became Governor or California, he hit the welfare roles hard. He found out it was bloated with "free loaders" and many who needed help, were not getting enough. Then Governor Reagan kicked out the free loaders and juiced up the assistance to those who needed the help. This is exactly the way people who practice conservative values operate - with compassion, not tolerating waste and fraud.
This last election, African Americans voted for Democrats almost as a block - way over 90%. In addition, the growing Hispanic vote went for Democrats by over 70%. There is nothing in the conservative message which should be offensive to either Blacks or Hispanics. Republicans who practice conservative values do not believe in the establishment in a permanent underclass. Yet, with the Democratic policies we have had since the 1960's, that is exactly what has happened. We are way overdue to a change.
As a Conservative, my advice to the Republicans is this - get back to your conservative roots. It is a tried and true philosophy. Get back to your roots, message the principles correctly, and the voters will come. If you continue to become "Democrat Lite", you will only end up becoming the Whigs.

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