Friday, December 13, 2013

Income Inequality

"Get ready America - the King is now going to come after your wallet..."

Well kids, the cat is now out of the bag. I have not yet figured out if the cat was let out accidentally or on purpose. Starting in January, with the State of the Union Address, our President/King will make his next push to transform our country, once again. This time he is going after the dreaded "One Percent" types - the Robber Barons. The income inequality in this great nation has gotten too far out of control, and by gummy, this is going to be fixed for once and for all!

As if he did not need any more urging, the new Socialist mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, is going to travel to the Emerald City today to meet with the President. The main topic - income equality. We have a long way baby since the days of Ronald Wilson Reagan. He also was deeply concerned about income inequality. The difference was, he wanted less poor people by moving them up into the middle, upper middle and upper classes. As a true "free trader", President Reagan was convinced that a "rising tide will lift all boats".

This President by contrast, believes just the opposite. Those who have money did not get it by risk or hard work - they got it because American is a "zero sum" society. In other words, those who accumulate additional wealth, do so only because someone else had to relinquish some of theirs. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Of course, the growing income gap in this country has NOTHING to do with the most tepid recovery since the Great Depression. But, this is what happens when a nation elects a President (twice) who was short on experience and long on ideology.

If you sniff the air, you can pick up the scent of what is in the offing.
  • First - The top tier is not paying enough. We need to be more like France. So what if the people in France almost revolted. We need a confiscatory tax that will level the playing field.
  • Second - What is up with all this hidden wealth? We need a "wealth tax". We will have some community organizing bureaucrat come in to assess your property and holdings. Then besides the grossly unfair income tax you will be paying, Uncle Sam will tax you an additional ten percent or so on your wealth.
  • Finally - All your benefits will be "means tested". Regardless of how much you paid in for them, if the Administration adjudicates that you have enough money, you won't receive them.
I know, I know. This sounds like the script to a horror flick or another dystopian novel. It is neither. Each and every scenario I have mentioned has been talked about by someone on the Left. They believe since all else has failed, we as a society will take your money and give it to others. Even out the playing field. It is only fair you know. In fact, even though it is pure Socialism bordering on Communism, we will still call it free market Capitalism. They are just words after all.

So take if from the old bird - if you have some money, enjoy it fast. The handwriting is on the wall that soon the yours, mine and ours will be reduced down to just "ours". Those that wanted real fundamental change in this country are now seeing what it looks like. In the near future, it will look like poverty for all of us.

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