Monday, December 23, 2013

Naughty or Nice???


"My, my - we have sure come a long way from the honesty of George Washington..."

Well, it happened. And it happened yesterday. The cat is out of the bag. And you can blame U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, (R-OK) for spilling the beans. It seems that Doctor Coburn was on one of the mind numbed Sunday morning news shows when the subject of "harmony" in Washington came up. I think the question was, "Now that all sides have held hands and sung kumbaya with the passage of the two year budget deal, can we all start getting along better now?" 

The good doctor from Oklahoma answered the question very quickly. "We get along quite well, thank you. We worked together to spend over $700B more than what we have. We all raised the debt once again. The annual Waste book came out showing $30B of waste which we all tolerate together. We have raised taxes, offered less in return, and broken promises to the American people."

Wow! I think what Tom was saying is this - when we separate the "naughty" from the "nice" in Washington, the "nice" are few and far between. In fact, I would say there are only a handful at best. The "club" in Washington sure knows how to play the game - and in turn, how to play the folks. So who is the ringleader? Why the liar-in-chief of course. The man who holds the office that kids at one time looked up to as a hero. Now it is held by the man who PolitiFact reported told the biggest lie, the biggest whopper of 2013. Yep - lied to the entire country about something as important as their health care.

Even Paul Ryan, a man who I have long admired, fell into the naughty camp with his cowardly participation in the Ryan-Murray "do-nothing" bill. With all the crap we spend money on in the defense budget, with all the waste, fraud and abuse, we decided to punish vets by cutting their retirement pay. That was way beyond the pale. Shame, shame, shame!

So tomorrow night when Santa comes to town, there is one town he might want to pass by. It would be a waste of time - that is, unless dropping off copious amounts of coal is worth the stop. As far as the house in on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in concerned, all I will say is this. When I was a boy and got caught lying, it was a mouth full of soap for me. My momma did not wait for Santa Clause to dish out the punishment.

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