Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Greatest Story, Told and Told Again...

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
John 3:16

This is an article I wrote almost fifteen years ago as a family gift. Since I have been blogging, I re-publish this story every year at Christmas time. It is truly a story which needs to be told, told often, and told to many.

One early winter evening, a little over two thousand years ago, something truly wonderful happened. As had been prophesied for centuries, a young woman and her husband came to a small village in the Middle East to seek shelter and a room in order to deliver the baby the woman was carrying. In this small village, the man and his wife discovered there was no room at the inn, and if they needed a place to stay, they would have to share it with the livestock in the stable. That night, in the stable, amidst all the filth and animals, a truly wonderful event happened that changed the world forever.

For unto the man and woman, a child was born. This child, born in the most humble of all surroundings, was to become the one that would bring hope to the hopeless, joy to the joyless and life to the lifeless. He would be known by many different names to many different people – Rabbi, teacher, counselor, Jesus, Savior and friend. He came into a world plagued by sin, to lead people, all people, to a greater glory. He was the Son of God that became known as the Son of Man.

It is for this man, this Son of Man, that we celebrate His birth every December. It was His birth that started the greatest change that the world has ever known. It is His birth that gives us all our purpose. Regardless if we know it, or if we acknowledge it, we are all tied to that event that happened so very long ago. As many times as we have heard this story, we never cease to be profoundly moved by the magnitude of the gift that has been given to us. What He has requested in return, is that we love, forgive and serve each other as He has done for us.

His story needs to be told many times throughout the year, but especially at Christmas. Besides loving each other, Jesus also wanted us to be tellers of this wonderful story. It is at this time of year when we are surrounded by family, friends and love, that we think back on the Christmas story – truly, the greatest story ever told.

1 comment:

  1. "One early winter evening,"

    Or some other time, as his DOB was rather artfully hidden.
