Sunday, November 9, 2014

And we live here why?


"This once lovely state has now become a mecca for the strange and stranger. We even have a pirate who runs for statewide office..."

As time has gone by, it seems more and more fitting that our state bird is the Loon. For some reason unbeknownst to me, this state attracts loony people like moths to a lantern. With the weather forecast for tomorrow looking about as bleak as a case of strep throat, I have been lost in my thoughts about our great state of Minnesota. My thinking has boiled down to one question - why in the world do we still live here?

Some thoughts:

Politics - What in the world has happened to the clear thinking people in this state? In particular, the Twin Cities. Minneapolis has elected a first class loon to be it's mayor, and the city council is made up of people who think they live in Leningrad. This state has high taxes and intrusive government. With the exception of an island of sanity in Congressional District 6, most of the rest of the state is lost in the land of euphoria. This is so sad. There is not one Republican who runs for anything in Minneapolis. In fact, in the Twin Cities, Republicans have gone the way of the dinosaurs.

Weather -  On November 11, 1940 (just about 74 years ago to the day), a major snowstorm hit the Midwest. It caught many deer hunters unaware and unprepared. Over two feet of snow, strong winds and cold in early November. And of course, most of us remember the now famous Halloween Blizzard of 1991. That left us with almost three feet of snow. The storm which is going to hit tomorrow has the potential to be in the record books along with fore mentioned other two storms. Last year we had a winter which stretched from November to May. It really sucked. Lots of snow, lots of cold. As a former co-worker of mine once said, "In Minnesota you only grow three things - older, colder and fatter." 

Welfare - Minnesota is a welfare state. Has been for a while, and continues to be so. I know - this is a controversial thing to say. However, many believe it to be true. There are facts which bear it out. Not too many years ago, people who came to the Twin Cities from Detroit and Chicago would refer to our homeland as "Moneyapolis". Lovely and touching. Today, we have a very large number of Somali people living in South Minneapolis. Is it the climate? I don't think so - go back to my second bullet. In fact, I would hazard a guess to say our state's climate is about as far away from Somalia as one could get. Why do they come here in such large numbers? One can only speculate.

Met Council - I could have put this under politics, but it is so bad it needed a bullet of it's own. If left unchecked, this unelected, unrepentant group of Marxists will finish the job the DFL has started. How so? If you have not read Thrive 2040 yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. Thrive 2040 will kill off our remaining freedoms. It will have us all living vertically downtown. We will take trains everywhere. All our energy will come from renewable sources. We will eat tofu instead of animal products. Cats and dogs will be granted "personhood". Our lives will be nothing but sunshine and lolly pops. This is Fahrenheit 451 and Soylent Green rolled into one. If we had the stones to elect a Republican Governor, the guts would be stripped out of the Met Council. But we did not. If fact, it has become incestuous. The Mayor of Minneapolis is married to a member of the council. Beam me up Scottie! 

So, why do I still live here? That subject is a growing conversation between my wife and myself. Right now, I see no light at the end of the tunnel. In fact when I look down the tunnel, all I see is blue. And that blue is getting bluer all the time.  

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