Tuesday, November 4, 2014

National D-Day


"Even though the stock market has shown artificial gains, the nation as a whole has become poorer. Today, we can start to turn that around!"

Here it is. The day many of us have waited so long for and worked so hard for. Even though this is an off-year election, the stakes could not be higher. This man, who has fooled so many of us during the past two Presidential elections, is acting like a caged Lion. It is suspected that after the mid-terms over are over, he will unleash everything he has on the American people. Having the House in Republican hands has helped to a degree - however, we need the Senate in friendly hands also. If the Senate stays under Harry Reid, this nation might suffer damage which can never be reversed.

It has taken quite a while, but more and more people are finally starting to wake up. So much so, the President's approval ratings seem to go down another notch every day. Most people believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Most people believe the economy is still in the tank. Most people don't like ObamaCare. Most people don't think we are handling ISIL the right way. And most people think our Ebola policy is non-existent.

We don't need anymore Supreme Court Justices like Ruth Ginsburg running around the world telling other countries not to use our Constitution as an example. Our SCOTUS right now is half Loony Tunes. In the next two years, a progressive Senate would allow the President to really "stack the deck" in the courts. Even though he would be gone in two years, the unpleasant aftertaste of his progressive ideology would last for many years to come.

Rather than deadlock, a friendly Senate would break the logjam of bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk. Instead of looking dysfunctional, our government would start to work again. If the President chooses to veto good common sense legislation, that will be on him.

I will be watching the results tonight, sitting on pins and needles. If the Republican's take the Senate, my only fear will be that once again they screw something up. You know, Republicans not acting like Republicans. However I am hopeful Republicans have learned from their past mistakes. If the Republican's don't take the Senate, things will go from bad to worse. Much, much worse. 

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