Monday, November 3, 2014

Monolithic Voting Blocks


"Voting is a privilege in this country. Nobody should tell us how to vote."

One of the things we value the most in our country is the right to vote. We can vote for whomever we want to. If we don't like the people on the ballot, we can either leave it blank, or write someone's name in. Heck, you can even write your own name in if you choose.

That brings me to the Democrat's "get out the vote" campaign. What I am about to tell you are not my words. They are words I have been hearing from countless Democrats as well as many people in the media. The biggest fear the Democrats have this election, as this is not a Presidential year, is the black vote will not materialize.

In other words, everyone takes for granted blacks will vote as a block for Democrats. They are monolithic. In the past, they have voted over 90% for the Democrats. Not too long ago, a young and very smart black man was interviewed on one the news channels. He was not a happy camper. First off, he was not happy with the Democrats. He felt the Democrats always believed the black vote was in "the back pocket". Democrats took the black vote for granted. Besides all of which, this young man did not think the Democratic Party had done spit for them. Poverty in black families was still high as was unemployment.

By the same token, he was also unhappy with the Republicans. It has been so long since blacks in any numbers have voted Republican, this young man believed Republicans had "written them off". This young man's words: "I feel as if I am in 'no man's' land. There is no party I can identify with, so I don't have a party which I can support." 

After hearing the interview, I went outside to do some chores. I could not get that young man out of my mind. If I were a black man, I would be insulted, and very angry if a political party always assumed I would vote for their candidate, even if that person was a mutt. I have addressed this before - I have worked with, and served with, many people of color. I have not seen a smidgen of evidence that one race is smarter than the other. Empirical tests have also proven that fact - time and time again.

All people, regardless of national background, color of skin, religion, or whatever, should be allowed to vote for the person most qualified. Period. Yes, believe it or not, in my life I have voted for a split ticket. It has been awhile however, as Democrats of yesteryear and not like Democrats of today. In any event, I don't take people of color for granted when it comes to employment, education or voting. And as far as I am concerned, neither should the DNC.

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