Friday, May 1, 2015

A waste of space


"But does it live up its expectations? Who cares? Trains are trendy and I love the colors..."

One of the things I always get a kick out of with government spending is the lack of follow through. In other words, before a dime is appropriated, many promises and guarantees are made as to how this will benefit society at large. Money is appropriated, spending starts, and then everyone is on to the next big thing. And what if this new program does not live up to its expectations? Who cares!

From a business perspective, from a return on investment perspective, I would love to know how our transportation dollars are paying off. In particular, I would like to know the TOTAL COST (TCO) of what both the LRT(s) and the Northstar really cost. And if they are truly taking cars off the road. If they are reducing congestion. If they are reducing "man-made global warming". There has to be a black and white reason why we spend so much on trains other than the fact they are trendy.

North Star - Been up and running since 2009. So far, not so good. Ridership is lower than expectations, four people have been killed in accidents, and traffic on Highway 10 is still a mess. What have we really gained? What we have found out is this - not that many people who live in the northwest corridor work downtown. And after the latest Target bloodbath, it is even less. Now there are some who want this line extended up to St. Cloud. Why? Has anyone determined how many people live in St. Cloud and work in downtown Minneapolis? And if they did, would they take the Northstar? This would cost a bunch of money based on a "hunch".

LRT - The estimates for the Southwest Line keep going up. Now at $2B. Chances are if it were built the final tab would be even higher. Plus (what is never talked about), the annual operating budget. And now we find out we have to factor in 10% of the people that never pay a fare (free riders). I have said for a while that this thing is so convoluted, it will die under its own weight. In other words, I don't think it will ever be built. If I am wrong, we are bigger fools than I thought.

Zip Rail - First we heard about this high speed rail going from Minneapolis to Chicago. Then some bright bulb thought we could have one going from Minneapolis to Rochester. Starting out as a diesel train, and then when the technology and cost are right, upgrade to electric which can go more than 200mph. Mucho money for very light ridership. Or better yet, a solution looking for a problem.

NLX - The granddaddy of them all. A cheap little line costing only $1B (projected). I still have yet to talk to one single human being who thinks this is a good idea. MOST people who travel to Duluth or the North Shore like to have their auto or truck with them. The only people who don't seem to care are the ones who will get off at the Hinckley Station. You know - the casino crowd. And now you see where all the pressure is coming from.

Trains, trains, and more trains. A waste of space for sure. But we will keep building them. Why? To quote Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does..."  

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