Monday, May 25, 2015

At odds with the truth


"Many times telling the truth is not only the best thing to do, it is the only thing to do..."

In a disgusting show of candor this morning, one of the military analysts on Fox News said two separate things about members of our Administration. First, he said that Ash Carter is a (I will paraphrase) "breath of fresh air" and becoming a surprisingly good SECDEF. Then he talked about our President. I will try to quote him exactly -"He is a liar. Plus he does not understand our military. He does not understand the Middle East, and he does not understand the Constitution. However, that is a discussion for another day".

What would have caused such an outburst from this retired military officer? Seems that just days after the President told the minions Iraqi's Army was doing a fine job, Ash Carter told the real truth. The Iraqis don't want to fight. They have no stomach for the battle. Plus, should they be captured, they all know the fate which awaits them. No, calling the Iraqi Army an "army" is really stretching it. I am afraid the road to Baghdad will be an easy one for ISIL to take.

So what is up with the President not telling us the truth? We can take it. Does he think that lying will cause history to turn out differently? Won't happen. Here is the unvarnished truth. Against the wisdom and counsel of the Pentagon, the President ordered all combat troops out of Iraq before Iraq was ready to fight off a force such as ISIL. He also stripped the country naked of our valuable intelligence assets. We also have no forward air spotters to guide our bombs. Just last week, the head of Iraqi's military told us our bombing was "ineffective" at best. Duh!

As we head into June, the brutality and carnage continues in both Iraq and Syria. It is only a matter of time before both countries fall into the hands of ISIL. Today, ISIL controls huge parts of both countries. And after they fall, Libya will be next. Then ISIL might take a swing at Egypt, or maybe Jordan. Or they might feel emboldened to go after the big prize - Saudi Arabia. As the cancer continues to spread, our President will continue to spin. Hoping against hope some of the lemmings will believe the garbage he is selling.

Between Iran getting a nuke and ISIL continuing to conquer more and more land, the Middle East is one hot mess. The most dangerous of all neighborhoods has just become worse. Don't worry however - we will continue to be told it is nothing but sunshine and lollypops. And that is the truth. 

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