Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Caught Cheating...

"Sorry Mr. Brady...Cheating is cheating, even if it is only 1% cheating"....

Years ago, I was responsible for all Vertical Launching System (VLS) contracts at a local company I worked for. We had a strange business relationship with another company from the East Coast. On some things we competed, and on other things we were teamed. Strange bedfellows for sure.

Putting business aside, the man who was in charge of the VLS program at the other company and I became famously good friends. He was as tough as nails and was hated as well as feared by many folks at my company. However, we became close right off the bat. So close, we would socialize together outside of business. In fact, so close I stayed at his house on occasion and he stayed at mine. Now throw in the mix our Washington customer. He too, was a very good friend of both of us. He too, was at my house many times to socialize when he was in town on business. It was a perfect cocktail for everyone to spill their guts and disclose company secrets.

In all the years we worked together, that never happened. Not once. Not even close. Not even where someone might have said, "We probably should not be talking about this". No, we all knew where the line in the sand was, and had great fun together anyhow. In fact one day my friend from the other company was visiting our plant for a review concerning something we were teamed on. However, we were also competing on another program. I forgot I had our bid strategy sitting on my desk, as I was reviewing it earlier. When my friend asked to use my office to call back to his office, I willingly agreed. When he was on the phone, out of the corner of his eye, he saw my proprietary bid document. While still on the phone, he reached out and turned it over without looking at it. He knew what it was. But that is trust. That is integrity.

So as far as Tom Brady is concerned, who really cares about the PSI on footballs. The Pats were tough and the Colts were cold on that playoff day. Brady would have been superb, regardless of what the PSI was. But it was the principle that mattered. Whether it is deflating balls or videotaping other teams practice facilities, trust and honor matters. You see, amongst thieves there is no honor. Just like my friend from another company could have read my document out of the corner of his eye, he knew that was wrong. He wanted to beat our company fair and square. 

So is cheating really that wrong? Whether it be at work, in a relationship, at school, or in sports - it is called "cheating" for a reason. Take your four game suspension Tom, and come back a different man. You can easily afford it. There is still time in your career for redemption. And at the end of the day Tom, that is all which really matters.

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