Monday, May 11, 2015

And if the lone wolf strikes...


"Will the next attack be a lone wolf? Maybe not - wolves are much more effective when they pack..."

I have been having many thoughts as of late about our "homeland security". In other words, how secure are we really? Even our head of DHS said this weekend that "a lone wolf terrorist could strike at any minute." Huh? I thought after 9/11 we were told the attack happened because our government suffered from a "lack of imagination". A lack of imagination on how to thwart an attack such as that. After the attack, we were suppose to have done a "lessons learned" and become a safer country. Now I am not so sure.

First off, I am not so sure our next attack will come from a "lone wolf". I think the planning for this has been going on much too long. I think we have sleeper cells in place, some maybe within our state. I think the Islamists have been using our semi-open borders for years to set up an organization. I also believe the FBI knows much, much more than they are letting on to. In short, I think we are in danger.

My biggest fear will be if we have a series of soft target attacks by Islamists. What will the public do if they think the government cannot (or will not) protect them? Will there be a vigilante type response? In World War II to protect everyone, FDR decided to use internment camps to relocate thousands of citizens of Japanese heritage. Never mind these people might have been the most loyal to this country you could find. They were still locked up in a gulag type surrounding.

Today, a recent poll showed over 50% of Republicans think Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. I dare say in the early 1940's, very few if anyone thought FDR was a Axis sympathizer. And that is where we have the rub. If patriots think that President Obama will let a few of these attacks pass due his beliefs, armed patriots will not. And then we will have real trouble.

I continue to be amazed and befuddled by the nonchalant attitude we have taken towards Islamists. Those who profess to what us dead. Islamists who cut of the heads of Christians and videotape it for all to see. Islamists who stomp little innocent babies to death in the streets of the Middle east. Islamists who burn people alive. Who bury people alive. Who torture and maim. Yes, we have managed to stick those stories in the news somewhere between the stock market and soccer. Why we do it that way is beyond me.

Today, the bad guys threatened some kind of cyber terror attack against the United States early this afternoon. It may have happened, or may not. All I know is this - we have to be right 100% of the time to stop them. They need only be right once. And when the "once" happens, it will change everything for ever more.

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