Monday, October 19, 2015

The Benghazi Sinkhole

"This entire episode is Watergate times 10. Maybe even times 100."

Okay. I will say it. How in the world can Republicans be this stupid? How can they continuously shoot themselves in the feet with their own guns? Truthfully? I just wanted to slap that pretty boy Kevin McCarthy when he said that incredibly stupid thing about the Benghazi committee lowering Hillary's poll numbers. And then a second Republican told the press practically the same thing. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

So now the Republicans have given the Democrats as gift all tied up with a pretty bow. When Trey Gowdy calls Hillary Clinton to testify, the Democrats will portray these hearings as nothing more than a witch hunt (sorry Hillary, for the comparison). In addition, this will play into the age old fable that the Democrats have been peddling - the Republican "War on Women". The mean old Republicans on the committee are going to beat up on poor old Hillary.

Well we can't cry over spilled milk. And we can't unring a bell. People just need to shut up and start doing their jobs. Period. Next, I would have preferred to see this committee on Benghazi structured differently. In other words, Benghazi was just a part of the entire Libyan fiasco. And yes, it is a fiasco.

How is Libya doing right now? You know, after we "helped" get rid of that thug Gaddafi? Poorly. It is a failed state. It is a mess. Chaos everywhere. Islamists everywhere. What happened in Benghazi should have almost been predictable. And yes, there are still a raft of questions that should be asked. Of everybody involved. When I say everybody, I mean right up to the Commander-in-Chief.

As is said in the military, Libya was (or is) a classic cluster ****. I mean big time. To put our people, mostly unguarded, in harm's way in Libya was a classic case of malfeasance. And as the saying goes, "Success has many Father's and failure is always an orphan", in this case failure had many Fathers (and Mother). People died for unnecessary reasons over there. Our ambassador was killed - again, for unnecessary reasons.

I guess the bottom line is this - I don't care if these hearings go on until the next election. I, along with millions of others, just want the truth. Why were we so blind in Libya? Why did we go help overthrow Gaddafi in the first place? What was to be gained? What really was the purpose of us being in Benghazi? Were we supplying weapons to the wrong people? Was Ambassador Stevens trying to retrieve weapons that ended up in the wrong hands? How could we have left our Americans heroes to die unprotected over there? On a 9/11 anniversary? Was Ambassador Stevens tortured and raped before he was killed? 

I want everyone involved to be subpoenaed to testify before this committee. I want the President to be deposed under oath. He is not clean on this either. It happened on his watch. Was Hillary's breach of security via her personal e-mails involved? Was there more to this story contained in her e-mails and then destroyed? This entire episode is Watergate times 10. Maybe even times 100.

My glimmer of hope is this. If anyone can do it, the old prosecutor Trey Gowdy will find the smoking gun. And when that gun is found, my hope is that justice will follow. Justice for many, including our four heroes who died trying to save a failed state we helped create.  

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