Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Trouble to the North?

"Is he qualified for the job? Who cares? Like Obama, he knew how to say the right things and he is easy on the eyes of the lady voters..."

Now I am starting to feel old. I remember when his dad was the Prime Minister of Canada. It was like having a bit of France close by. Liberal? You bet. Could we lean on him? Not much. Did he help Canada grow? No, but he sure was entertaining.

Who is he? Justin Trudeau, eldest son of Pierre Trudeau, the former Prime Minister of Canada. I have read Justin's resume. It is about as empty as Barack Obama's resume before he became President. For example, Justin was in charge of Canada's multiculturalism and "feel goodism" or something like that. In any event, he has some very wacky ideas on how to move Canada forward.

The last vote was hardly counted when he made his first declaration. No more support for the air war against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Nope. He is done. Just as the Russians have step up their game, one of our staunchest allies has decided to pick up his planes and go home. And what will his stance be on the Islamic State? Cuddling and inclusion? Or fighting this evil. I am afraid our northern border might state becoming very porous as Mr. Multiculturalism takes over.

How about debt? Oh, he has learned well from seeing his neighbor to the south. Spend borrowed money like there is no tomorrow. Who cares about the debt? About deficit spending? Not him. He has already announced he has some kind of Stimulus Bill (or as we call it, a Porkulus Bill). It is ready to go. He said it will be for infrastructure projects (sound familiar?) We shall see if he has as many "shovel ready" projects as we did not.

How about marijuana? Hey - weed for everyone! We will have our own Amsterdam just to the north of our borders. Want to get ripped tonight? Just drive to Port Charles or Thunder Bay. It will be interesting to see how this plays out when the good people of Canada realize what their new boy wonder wants to do. Good luck with that one!

And what about the decision with no end - building the Keystone Pipeline. Well Justin supports it - sort of. Even though his finger is on the "yes" button, it is a tepid yes. Very tepid as compared to Harper's support of the project. My fear is this much needed project will now be as dead as flowers growing in the Yukon this time of year.

This reminds a bit of when Tony Blair first became the PM of the UK. Clinton was President at that time. Everyone thought this youthful, left leaning PM and our youthful, left leaning President would get along famously. And they did. The Lefties were delighted. But Tony soon disappointed the same group of Lefties when he and George W. Bush also became close. It will be interesting to see how Justin and President Trump will fare. 

Just when we think we have relegated the Lefties and their wacky ideas to the ash heap of history, people like Barack Obama or Justin Trudeau pop up all over again. Oh well, we sure get what we deserve in elections. And so do the Canadians. On either side of the border, elections have consequences.


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