Friday, October 20, 2017

Bring us together!

"What will truly bring us together? A common understanding our our founding documents. Of our Holy Bible. That is it. We will be together once again."

Who can ever forget that horrible day in May of 1970 at Kent State University? How somehow, somewhere, student protests against the Viet Nam War turned deadly. How young kids in the National Guard, about the same age as the protesters, for some reason unknown to most, opened fire. When the hail of bullets stopped, four students lie dead and others wounded.

All this in less than two years after the introduction of the Hippies and the Yippies at the apocalyptic Democratic Convention in Chicago. One would have thought the nation had healed a bit after that Chicago event.

This is odd. That spring day in May which was almost burned in infamy at college campuses, hardly gets a notice today. May 4th is just another day in May. Even though I was over seas when it happened, I remember it well. I remember my sadness over the event. I did not blame the protesters, I did not blame the National Guard, I only blame circumstances. It was so tragic, everyone involved just wanted to live that day over again so this bloodshed, and that blot on history, could have been avoided.

What I remember from reading the Stars and Stripes in the days and weeks following the shooting, were the number of protesters carrying signs which simply said, "Bring us Together". The Viet Nam War, which was fought by politicians instead of our generals, was starting to rip this country apart. As crafty as Dick Nixon was as a President, he was not the one to bring us together.

And during the 1960's and early 1970's, that wound from the Viet Nam War, began to metastasize - mostly in the Democratic Party. They believed the only one to truly bring us together was a messiah like George McGovern or Eugene McCarthy. Instead we got Gerry Ford and Jimmy Carter. And the country continued to fracture.

We all know the history since then. Reagan who lifted this country up, was still hated by the Left. He was followed by the former CIA Director George H W Bush (41), then the philander Clinton. Bush (43) was then sworn in, and then 9/11 happened. That changed everything. Then we had the great divider, Barrack Obama. The size of the schism that we had in the early 1970's, had now grown to the size of the Grand Canyon. The country was in deep, deep trouble.

In January of 2017, we swore in Donald J. Trump to be our 45th President. A billionaire CEO who was a true non-politician. Was he hired to bring us together? No - only a miracle man (or woman) could do that, with the rift the country now had.

Trump was hired to (ready for this) - FIX THINGS - to be a fixer.. Be it the economy, the southern border, the North Korean problem, whatever - Trump is a man who fixes things. Is he a healer? No. Is he impolitic? Most of the time. Does he mean well? I think so. Can he bring this country back together? Absolutely not. He is good, but he is not Mother Theresa.

If the "Never Trumpers", the Antifa, the Lap Dog Media keeps going after this man, the result will be this. Eight years from now, we will be two countries. No, I am not kidding. The gulf will be that wide, this country will NEVER be able to come back together. California will secede from the union, and all the Harvey Weinstein's from the east coast will jump on board to be part of this new nation.

Middle America will become real America. The country will begin looking like the post WWII America. The nut balls will leave for the nation state of California, and the patriots will once again take their place in running this great nation. Do I want to see California cleave off the nation and become autonomous? No, but the course is set.

What will truly bring us together? A common understanding our our founding documents. Of our Holy Bible. That is it. We will be together once again. When the nation state of California fails, we will take the subjects back to one again become citizens in this great country. Why? That is the way we roll.


  1. We know 45 will not bring us together, nor will the Bible (which he undoubtedly hasn't read).
    For all his wealth and power, even after rising to the most powerful office in the world, there is one thing he lacks, and money can't buy it: respect.
    Whether he is negotiating with fellow heads of state, global business leaders or the Manhattan elite who shunned the trust-fund rube from Queens, 45 yearns for the kind of esteem enjoyed by the most respected institution of a country that increasingly lacks respect for institutions.
    The ridicule he chafes at from Twitter, cable news and even his own party gnaws at him.
    But, in his mind, if he surrounds himself with military men (and they are all men in Trump's orbit), their honor will become a part of him – like how a tech giant buys a startup just to integrate a single valued feature into its product.
    Unfortunately for 45, however, honor is not transferable. And what he views as "respect" or "loyalty" is what the rest of us know to be the demands for submission of a petty and insecure approximation of a man.
    We are divided and we will stay divided. It is the nature of man. We seek out our own kind and we shun the "others". Your ultra-conservative GOP is more guilty of it than most other institutions.
    You reap what you sow.

  2. Respect must be the starting point, and today's Left, just like those Kent State students, refuse to grant it and therefore do not deserve it.

    It so happens I KNEW a Guardsman who was there, and had a simple explanation that I have never forgotten. "If I am in an area where there are a large number of people with loaded weapons, and I have any reason whatsoever to believe those weapons might be discharged, I move to another area. I do NOT start throwing rocks and bottles at those people." Sure, those four folks may have been "innocent bystanders," but those they were standing by created the tragedy by their lawless, unwise and intemperate behavior.

    I cannot help what the Left believes, because I see no fundamental truth in it, and it frankly worries me that it does not bother them that this is so. I don't hate the Left, I simply find them incomprehensible on a rational level.
