Saturday, October 7, 2017

Who is he???

"Going forward, the haters will continue to hate. The Washington elite will continue to dismiss. His base will continue to follow. And the world will continue to scratch its collective head."

Long after his term(s) is up, long after he departs this Earth to receive his heavenly reward, the history books are going to be full to the brim with scholars tying to explain the 45th President to these United States. He is a true enigma. Is he dumb, or dumb like a fox? Is he cryptic, or is he playing chess while most of the rest of us are playing checkers? Is he a "moron" (sorry Rex), or a genius? Or both? Or neither?

I don't know who makes the press look more foolish - Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or the President. Both of them own the room during a press conference. But the President can do one better than Sarah. And he has been doing ever since the campaign. He can call the press out on their BS. He does it in a matter of fact and fearless fashion. When he does that, the Washington elite gasps and wonders how in the world this man became President. Trump's base on the other hand, loves it. This is one of the reasons they wanted him to be President.

He has got to be driving Little Kim and the Mullahs in Iran nuts right now. How do you read a guy who refuses to be read? A guy who holds his cards so close to his vest, sometimes the cards are not visible at all? I loved his latest cryptic line after meeting with some military folks. "This is the calm before the storm." "What does that mean?" the media jackals yelled at him. Nothing more was added by the President. He said just enough to keep them, as well as the rest of the world, guessing.

What I have noticed about Donald Trump is his refusal to be swayed by polls or focus groups. He sets his course, and then stays on it. True, on a couple of positions he has had the time to rethink and modify, but for the most part he is honoring his campaign promises.

I have said this ever since the campaign. The roadside is littered with those who have taken this man too lightly. Donald Trump is far from a perfect man, but he is a survivor. He knows how to fight, and he knows how to win.

To those who have told me how inept he is, I usually ask a couple simple questions. "Are you a billionaire? He is." Or "Are you the President? He is." In other words, love him or hate him, one must concede that Donald Trump is very accomplished.

Going forward, the haters will continue to hate. The Washington elite will continue to dismiss. His base will continue to follow. And the world will continue to scratch its collective head. Will this nation survive Donald Trump? Of course we will. We survived eight years of Barack Obama, eight years of Bill Clinton and four years of Jimmy Carter.  Will the nation be better or worse after four or eight years of Donald Trump? Stay tuned on that one. The show is not yet over. 


  1. This man will lead the Great Satan down the path of destruction.

  2. More good news on a Saturday morning...........
    More than half of Americans don’t think 45 is fit to serve as president, yet he has a clear path to winning reelection.
    If 45 isn’t removed from office and doesn’t lead the country into some form of global catastrophe, he could secure a second term simply by maintaining his current level of support with his political base.”

    “The continued decline in support for both political parties works to 45’s advantage. The lack of voters’ faith in both parties increases the probability that there will be a major third-party candidate on the 2020 ballot. It will also lead to other minor-party candidates joining the presidential race. The multi-candidate field will further divide the anti-45 vote, making it possible for him to get reelected simply by holding on to his current level of support.”
