Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Breaking the glass

"What is the best cure as not to worry about this issue? Voting. I voted yesterday. I am hoping that my vote is only one of 1.3M for Jeff Johnson and the rest of Team Red. Why? I would love for us to run the table this year. Prove the pundits wrong."

The more I read about what will happen if the Democrats take control of the United States House, the more I am convinced it might be the event which breaks the glass. In other words, if they are true to their word, and start impeachment proceedings on Donald Trump as well as Brett Kavanaugh, it will be Katy bar the door. Things could get ugly real fast.

First off, just to show I am not cowed by the MSM, I know that any impeachment proceedings would just be a huge waste of time, and a show. Oh, the President might be impeached by the House, but then it goes nowhere. To be thrown out of office would take a 2/3 majority in the Senate. Good luck with that one. Same with Brett Kavanaugh. 

More than that however, should the Red Team lose the House, here is what will happen during the next two years. Nothing. Besides the Kabuki theater of impeachment, the Blue Team will also try to roll back the Trump tax cuts. To reinstate some of the job killing regulations which have been nixed by the Administration. To get us to sign on to the Paris Accord for climate change. And finally, to get us to recognize the worst agreement ever agreed to (yet, not signed) - the Iranian Deal.

All those things will make it to the President's desk - and die there. Then Ms. Nancy will grab a live mic provided by the lap dog media and yell about what an obstructionist the President is. All this would be setting the table for 2020. The average American, who is not stupid, would see this for exactly what it is - a charade. The average American would know  the in the first two years of Trump, many good things happened. The final two years of Trump's first term with the House under Democrat rule, would yield - nothing. The table would now be set for 2020, and beyond. The table would be set for the Democrats to be ushered out of power, to wonder in the wilderness for 40 years (or more).

Here is what I am trying to say. Yes, the glass could be broken if Democrats take control and start practicing tyranny. Or - the Democrats could take control of the House and begin a two year process of self destruction. My hope of course, is that neither of those two happen. My hope is the House and Senate stay red, so the Trump train continues to roll forward. The worst thing we could do to our economy right now is reverse course. 

What is the best cure as not to worry about this issue? Voting. I voted yesterday. I am hoping that my vote is only one of 1.3M for Jeff Johnson, and the rest of Team Red. Why? I would love for us to run the table this year. Prove the pundits wrong. Keep Pelosi insignificant. Most importantly, keep that nut ball Maxine Waters out of any type of Congressional power. 

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