Thursday, December 10, 2020

Disenfranchised much?

"What we have seen unfold right before our eyes, is a travesty of justice. A massive fraud. In my opinion, treason."

We are having our kitchen updated. Four years ago we had to update our appliances. There was a new brand on the market. Although this brand had done quite well in other sectors of the economy, it never tried the kitchen business before. Lots of promises of great performance and lowered cost - we were sold. We took a chance, and signed the agreement on a four year lease. Turns out to be one of the best decisions we ever made. 

Four years has passed, and we are now updating the entire kitchen. Our lease is up, and it is time for new appliances. We went to the same store, and they had the same brand we have been so happy with. The current version had even better costs and performance. Without hesitation, we bought a new kitchen suite.

Then when they were to be delivered, the company told us part of the appliance suite was sold to someone else. But they said, not to worry. For the same price (maybe a tad more), they would substitute some appliances we did not vote for (order). They were corrupted, much less efficient, more expensive to use, and ugly. When we complained, the company told us just to live with it. There was nothing we could do about it. We did everything right, and the company hosed us. We felt disenfranchised.

Welcome to 2020. The above story is not about our kitchen remodel (although, part of it is true). It is about 80,000,000 patriots having the rug pulled out from under them in the election. They did everything right, the other side cheated, and now our wonderful President, who played by the rules, who led the charge to make America great again, might be shown the door. And the semi-senile imposter, who did not win the election, might be living in the White House at the end of next month.

What we have seen unfold right before our eyes is a travesty of justice. A massive fraud. In my opinion, treason. Some idiot penned an op/ed letter to the Strib last week, saying he could not understand why so many Trump supporters cannot accept Biden as the winner. Short answer? Because he did not win. His side cheated. That is why we feel disenfranchised. That is why we will never accept Biden as legit.



  1. Rush Limbaugh: ‘I Actually Think That We’re Trending Toward Secession’

  2. Just a few numbers from here and there. In MN, Biden got about 70,000 more votes than any other Democrat. Trump got about 70,000 FEWER votes than any other Republican. Oh, right, nothing suspicious there. In one precinct there was a 350% error favoring Biden (compared to the hand count) and an 80% error favoring Trump. In one state, 200,000 ballots were found, 98% for Biden, and ONLY Biden. Election Day in MN saw most Republicans winning, in many cases by 2:1. Absentee ballots came in and favored Democrats by 3:1 AND were apparently all counted in a couple hours after midnight-- not possible. One hopes the courts will punish this "improper voting" and correct this unlawful cheating spree. Biden was right when he said he had "the greatest voter fraud organization ever."
