Thursday, December 17, 2020

Is The Insurrection Act on the Christmas menu?

"If something is going to happen, it will be in the next week. Besides Covid acting like the Grinch who stole Christmas, the country being locked down under martial law could be the fitting way to exit 2020."

Our nation seems to be heading in two separate directions right now. Which two directions? Ones that can cause a head on collision. One direction is the one our fiat President Select Biden is heading in. He wants to undo as much of the Trump Administration as possible, and do it as quickly as practical. Biden's administration will be the ying to the yang in Donald Trump's administration. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is still trying to stop this egregious wrong from overtaking our government. Proving what we all know was wrong, has so far proved to be a daunting task.

Seems we might have been giving the Democrats much to much credit for pulling this heist off. They are cunning, but are not that cleaver. Seems the DNI, John Ratcliffe, has authorized the release of a report, detailing there was foreign influence on our November election. It came from Russia, Iran, and (wait for it) - China. Unlike the faux news report that President Trump was working with the Russians to steal the 2016 election from Hillary, this report seems to have some teeth.

Then where does that leave us? Now what? For starters, the President (the real one), could invoke powers authorized by the Insurrection Act of 1807. Unlike the Logan Act (which is never used), the Insurrection Act has been used way more than once. Throw in The International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977, and the stage is set for the President to declare martial law before Christmas. 

Fact or fiction? If what is suspected is true, and Donald Trump did win in a decisive manner, and then had his victory stolen from him, this will be the greatest national crime in our nation's history. If on the other hand, and the highly improbable became plausible, then we really do need to move forward as a nation, and accept Biden as POTUS # 46. However, like most of us, I will need to see some cast iron proof that Biden won this thing, and did not steal it. 

If something is going to happen, it will be in the next week. Besides Covid acting like the Grinch who stole Christmas, the country being locked down under martial law could be the fitting way to exit 2020. In a year where anything and everything odd and/or bad happened, this could be the frosting on the cake. Here is hoping for a more tranquil (and normal), 2021.    

1 comment:

  1. "If something is going to happen, it will be in the next week."

    Not clear why...
