Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tucker's Truth Telling

If it smells like there is something rotten, there is. It is called the Deep State. We are being owned and manipulated by China, and most of us don't even realize it. And here I thought the Matrix was only a movie.

For those who saw Tucker Carlson last night saw a whopper. Seems some Chinese professor over in the Land of the Dragon, was spilling his guts to his students on how China has been manipulating us for years. That is, until this Trump guy came along. He has been a spoiler for sure. But no worries - China helped make sure they have another puppet in the White House, come next month. The professor even addressed Biden's son - Hunter. It was all part of the plan.

It seems every week, there is something new which pops up. Folks - we have been had. Many are now thinking, based on the election servers we obtained before they became corrupted, Trump won this election, and won it big. Like 410 electoral votes big. Instead, we are getting a fiat government sworn in. None of this is real. Not Biden, not Harris, not any of the lunatics they want in their cabinet.

If this train cannot be taken off the tracks prior to January 20th, and Biden is sworn in, this will not be over. If all this fraud is finally exposed after January 20th, then what? The fraud would show neither Biden nor Harris are legit, and the person who won in a landslide is retired down in Florida. Please don't tell me that Pelosi will take over. It will be a mess of the highest magnitude.

Of a much larger concern is this. How in the world can we have an election, which yielded one of the biggest landslides since 1984, and then have the system so rotten, so manipulated, it can show an opposite result? How is this going to effect the Georgia run off election? Will those two senate seats be stolen also? 

There is so much "stuff" laying under the surface right now, it is hard for most of us to believe. It really is. Biden is going to try and tuck us under China's nefarious plans at the soonest possible moment. That is the plan. Biden the puppet, will try to erase Donald Trump from our history. Obama 3.0 is long overdue. The Chinese have been patient, but now they want some return on their investment.

Please listen to Tucker's show last night if you missed it. Every fair minded American needs to watch it. Also, listen to what Representative Louie Gohmert had to say about the seized servers in Germany. As a former judge and prosecutor, I doubt if Gohmert would be lying about something so important to our country. 

If it smells like there is something rotten, there is. It is called the Deep State. We are being owned and manipulated by China, and most of us don't even realize it. And here I thought the Matrix was only a movie.


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