Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Joe "Bite Me"?

"The improbable outcome of "Bite Me" becoming POTUS # 46 is now looking more probable every day. Each day which passes, the Hail Mary pass that Trump's legal team would need to score on, grows five yards longer."

When Joe Biden was Vice President, he did not endear the friendship of all he was surrounded with. Not that long after Obama was immaculated, General Stanley McChrystal was being interviewed by Rolling Stone. He made a reference to the Vice President by calling him "Bite Me" instead of Biden. It gave many of us a good chuckle, gave Rush Limbaugh some good talking points, and even though he apologized, it cost McChrystal his job. But for many of us, Biden will forever be "Bite Me". Why? It fits.

The Never Trumpers continuously speak about what a flawed man Donald Trump is. What an embarrassment to the Presidency he is. Really? I would stack the accomplishments of Donald Trump, both as President and before 2016, against Joe Biden's 47 years of warming a chair in DC. I would make that comparison any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Biden (Bite Me) has always been a nothing burger. An empty suit. A swamp dweller. 

James Madison and George Washington warned us about swamp dwellers like Biden. In a constitutional republic (not a democracy, you Democrat morons!), people get elected, go and serve for a period of time, then go home, while someone else serves. Certainly, not for 47 years. 

Biden has not only been corrupted by the system, he help corrupt the system which corrupts. He has learned how to become wealthy, just by warming a chair in the nation's capital. When asked to list his accomplishments over the last 47 years, the list would be short and not very sweet. But who cares? He is one of the elite. The establishment. The swamp.

The improbable outcome of "Bite Me" becoming POTUS # 46 is now looking more probable every day. Each day which passes, the Hail Mary pass that Trump's legal team would need to score on, grows five yards longer. If he is inaugurated, it will be a day I thought I would never see. In a fair election, this would never have happened. But the fraud visited upon this country might be so intricate, so pervasive, so complicated, that proving it might be a bridge too far for Trump's legal team. 

How will the 70+ million who voted for Donald Trump react to a "Bite Me" sitting in the White House? A faux President? First off, the country will be damaged for many years. Half of the electorate will no longer trust the system. Period. Next, since the Democrats have set the bar so very low in how they treated Donald Trump, we will do the same for "Bite Me". In fact, we will lower that low bar, even lower. Like many have said, Joe Biden will rue the day he started this quest. It will be the worst four years of his life (if he is not ousted by Harris before his term is over). 

That is it. No more today. Just writing about this subject depresses me. That is all.


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