Friday, June 3, 2022

Driving me crazy!

"Jimmy Carter. Obama. Biden. Country wreckers all. We don't need the Russians or the Chinese to take our country down. We are doing a fine job of doing it ourselves."   

OPEC has given in - finally! Gosh - that was really nice of them! To raise their production that much? Just to help us out? It will help a bit for sure, but what is the back story? Is it that the world is teetering on a worldwide recession due to sky high energy prices? And a worldwide recession will affect the Saudis also? Or is there something else in play?

Three days ago, the EU finally agreed to stop buying Russian oil by the end of the year. How big of a deal is this? The EU is one of Russia's biggest customers for its dirty oil. When that stream stops at the end of the year, the world was going to topple into real trouble. Russia said it will find other customers for its dirty oil (right...). Meanwhile, it was going to put Europe in a real pickle.

Is OPEC to the rescue going to save our summer? Going to save us from paying more for everything (since oil factors into the price of just about everything)? Maybe a skoch. We, along with the EU, will be trading some very dirty Russian oil, for some not quite as dirty OPEC oil. Wait - hold on! What about our oil? Some of the cleanest in the world? Slo Joe has no interest in using our vast oil resources. Why not? It is cleaner. It will really put a dent in the worlds petrol deficit. Why not? Because he is owned. Owned by the globalists and greenies. He does not give a damn about the consumers in America. Everything he mumbles on the podium is just lip sync. Everything is playing out right now, just as he and his owners wanted it to.

Today, for the first time ever, gas prices are $4.50/gal for regular in MN. Go over the border into WI, and they are a dime higher. In CA, maybe a buck or more higher (if you are lucky to find it that cheap). Gas prices have not been this high, since Biden's puppet master Obama was POTUS. Democrats LOVE high fuel prices! It teaches us selfish Americans a lesson. I guess it is part of that equity thing. Instead of raising all boats like Reagan taught us, Obama and Biden are sinking all boats. 

I will tell you what drives me the most crazy about this entire mess. It is a self inflicted wound. Biden did it. He can blame the pandemic, Ukraine, Russia, aliens, or whatever. But the bottom line is this - if Trump were still President (with a friendly Congress), we would be drilling like crazy. The price of oil might be higher than it was two years ago, but NOTHING like today!

Ladies and gentlemen who voted for this dolt. Is this really what you wanted? Gas so high, it strands lower income people at home? The coming food shortage? Jamie Dimon from JP Morgan has a dire warning for us all. What is coming this fall is not going to be just a storm - it will be a hurricane. He is warning his customers to brace themselves. Get prepared. 

Jimmy Carter. Obama. Biden. Country wreckers all. We don't need the Russians or the Chinese to take our country down. We are doing a fine job of doing it ourselves.   

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