Sunday, June 5, 2022

He needs to have his firecrackers taken from him!

"Nuclear weapons have been the scourge of mankind for quite a while now. Even with sane people in charge, there is always a chance of an accident. But with a nut ball and megalomaniac like Putin in charge of 6,000 nukes, now that is a big, big problem." 

Anyone else getting tired of Putin threatening us with a nuclear strike? It just happened again. War with the west. Or as this juvenile with 6,000 nukes said, "Just a few of our Satan 2 missiles could wipe out America's coasts." By the way, I love how this "man of Orthodox faith" in Russia, names his favorite missiles after Lucifer. That says quite a bit about this loose canon of a man.

Okay - I will bite. And then what, should Putin ever decide to launch. First off, it would just not be at our coasts. Since he would not want to get hit back, it would be taking out all of our Ohio Class boomer subs. It would be hitting the mainland, where our Minuteman silos are. It would be hitting the bases where our B-52, B-1, B-2 and soon our B-21 are stationed. It would be taking out our aircraft carriers. It would be hitting all the NATO bases which could strike back. 

But we would strike back. Our triad system of deterrence is still solid. Russia may hurt us deeply, but we would destroy them. Totally. And then what? What about China? China, who is after money instead of war right now, will see its customer base evaporate (literally). And then nuclear winter would happen, along with a poisoned planet. Whomever survived the initial salvo between Russia and the US, would not survive long in the aftermath.

Here is my point, and it should not be lost on the Russian people. The nuclear "no win" war, is still that. The system of MAD is still valid. If Russia's leader decides to launch a nuclear war against us or NATO, it will be the end. Putin should not be allowed to have his finger on the nuclear button. For the same reasons we do not allow children to play with firecrackers. Nothing good will ever come out of it. 

Nuclear weapons have been the scourge of mankind for quite a while now. Even with sane people in charge, there is always a chance of an accident. But with a nut ball and megalomaniac like Putin in charge of 6,000 nukes, now that is a big, big problem. 

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