Saturday, June 11, 2022

The tipping point

"Many years ago, when I was in high school, and there had been a dystopian book about you and your 'cabinet', and what you are doing to our country, it would have been labeled as fiction. Why? What you have done to the land of our fathers, is beyond imagination."

A few weeks ago, I was listening to an expert on fuel futures. It was a good time to listen, as gasoline, as well as diesel, was going up like a rocket. He said it was going to continue going up, through the $4/gal range, and then hit a "tipping point". A "tipping point"? What was that? It was when gasoline hit $5/gal (nationwide average). It is territory we have never been in before. It is territory NO PRESIDENT in his or her right mind, wants to preside over. And yet - here we are.

The reason $5/gal is so toxic politically, is simply this. When it takes "Joe Sixpack", (the union worker), $130 to fill up his F-150 for the week, that is very un-American. American workers (even union workers Slo Joe), live and breath by their trucks. To sabotage our fossil fuel industry, so many hard working folks can't make it to work, and sure can't make it to their fishing hole or hunting lodge - is crap. But Slo Joe says, "Don't worry - be happy! Just go buy a $60K Tesla."

Here is the bottom line, and you better listen up Joseph. In November, there are tens of millions of people who are going to take this all out on your party. They can't touch you (unfortunately) for another two years, but they can sure run your party out of town. All the happy horse crap you have tried to pull on us will be remembered - and remembered in spades. Your place in Presidential history is already etched in stone. Any additional remiss on your part, will only make those etches deeper and wider.

You have hurt this country deeply. Donald Trump may have been hard to get along with, but he never hurt this country. You did, for reasons unknown to most. During the days post Revolution, someone who did to this country what you have done, well, it would have not ended well for that person. For what you and your clown car have done to us, you deserve no quarter - only castigation.

Many years ago, when I was in high school, and there had been a dystopian book about you and your "cabinet", and what you are doing to our country, it would have been labeled as fiction. Why? What you have done to the land of our fathers, is beyond imagination. It is so vile, it turns bile to vomit. What frustrates us so much? You are wrecking everything, and there is not a damn thing we can do. That is - until November.


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