Thursday, February 15, 2024

And now what?

"Welcome to the ending of America. We are so far beyond the bend right now, even a Trump victory with a red Senate and House might now be enough to save us. Democrats are the spoiled child who lost the wonderful vision that America has passed down to them."

Can't we just have a little parade to celebrate a successful football year? Maybe not, if your team is located in a crime hub. KC a crime hub? For violent crime, it has a crime rate 300% higher than the national average. For just ordinary crime, it is 166% higher than the national average. Maybe it would have been safer if San Francisco had won the game. Not as much crime there. No- wait - that is not right. San Francisco under Mayor London Breed has a sky-high crime problem. Like, crime is so rampant in San Francisco, that it is a more dangerous place to live or visit than 98% of the other US cities, both large and small.

This might have been the end to celebrations after a sports victory. Why? Too much crime and too few cops. The strategy of defunding and dehumanizing the police has worked very well thank you. Large cities are now cesspools of violence. The violence in KC, left one dead, and eight children wounded. Who could have been so callous, so careless? If you guessed gang violence, you might have won the prize. Welcome to Biden's America, where the safe zones are getting less and less safe.

The big international news was more Russia-gate. Like, it was OM Goodness a shocker! Seems the Russians, along with maybe the Norks and the Chicoms are getting ready to weaponize space. Put some low orbit nukes in space, so at the right time, they can take out our satellites. Maybe even, do an EMP strike and take out our grid. Did we just find out about this yesterday? Nope - about two years ago. But Biden classified it so very few would know about it. Well, now some in Congress know, and they want it declassified to all can know. Is this a clear and present danger to the United States? Sure could be.

Here is a no brainer. We live in a dangerous world. Many would like to do us harm. What is it with this administration, that climate, white supremacists, and MAGA folks are the enemy, and not bad guys from abroad? China has passed us up in the size of their navy. Does Biden care? Nope. We have over six million illegals in our country, many of whom might want to do us harm. Does Biden care? No, again. Most of our big blue cites are cesspools of crime and filth - so much so, normal citizens will no longer go there. Do Biden and Soros funded DAs care? No, no and no again. 

Welcome to the ending of America. We are so far beyond the bend right now, even a Trump victory with a red Senate and House might now be enough to save us. Democrats are the spoiled child who lost the wonderful vision that America has passed down to them. Democrats have ruined us. Left us vulnerable to many bad things. Period.

Bunker up folks. The road ahead is going to be rough and rocky. Am I wrong? Change my mind. 


1 comment:

  1. "We are so far beyond the bend right now, even a Trump victory with a red Senate and House might now be enough to save us."

    I'm guessing you meant "might *not* be enough."
