Monday, February 12, 2024

The morning after


"How is the rest of the week going to go? Hopefully not too hectic. Watching the hate and discontent which takes place every day in Washington, can be taxing on the soul. But we will somehow get through it. We always do - even though we seldom demonstrate our better selves." 

Many are saying thank goodness it is over! For two weeks now, every knowledgeable pundit (and some unknowledgeable ones), have been pontificating about every minute subtlety about how the two super bowl teams were going to match up. Yawn... - who cares? But the game was played last night, no interruptions (except for some kind of half-dressed streaker), and the Chief won (again). 

But enough about football. What else is going on? What does this Monday hold for us? First off, Lloyd Austin (Defense Secretary) is back in the hospital. Same issue. Post operation problems with his bladder. This time, he let people know, and transferred power over to his deputy. I am not a fan of his, but I am worried about him, nevertheless. What Austin has going on, is not normal. Could be life changing. He deserves our prayers.

The IDF rescued two hostages yesterday. This is huge. But there are still a huge number of hostages which remain sequestered. As well as six American hostages. Am I the only American who is bothered that the thirty Americans which were killed, and the six which are still held hostage - are never mentioned by our Commander-in-Chief. All he seems to care about is the protection of Muslims in Gaza. Dead Americans? That was so yesterday.

But there was something else which really eclipsed everything else which went on this weekend. And this was really big. Baptism. Believer's baptism. We baptized nine adults at our church on Sunday. At another church close by, they also had baptism. When you are in the faith, seeing people publicly profess their newfound relation with Jesus, never gets old. We have a friend whose young son decided to give his life to Jesus and be baptized. When I saw the pictures of his baptism, I could not have been more thrilled.

How is the rest of the week going to go? Hopefully not too hectic. Watching the hate and discontent which takes place every day in Washington, can be taxing on the soul. But we will somehow get through it. We always do - even though we seldom demonstrate our better selves. 



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