Monday, February 5, 2024

Is HR2 going to be the "gold standard"?

"Biden screwed this whole thing up from the get-go. It is all on him. Period, full stop. If he does not like HR2, that is tough toenails. If he had only left this alone from when he took office, we would not have this mess right now."

The text for the Senate immigration bill was released last night. It was supposed to have been released on Friday. But that does not matter. It is a convoluted pile of goo. It was going to be a bill which would make everyone happy. Turns out, it might be the bill which would make nobody happy. However - if one person was very important to love this bill, it would have been Speaker Johnson. Why? So, he could champion the bill through the House. But - when he first said the bill will be "dead on arrival" when it hits the House, and then when he reads the text he said, "it is worse than what he thought", it seems this bill will become law sometime on the 12th of Never.

The House has already passed a bill called HR2. Is it perfect? No, but it does put things back close to what they were during the Trump era. But here is one bug-a-boo with the bill. We need the cooperation of Mexico. With this bill, or even with the failed Senate bill. Why? Remain in Mexico proviso. The government of Mexico, along with the cartels hate it. It does nothing for Mexico - but it is the right thing to do. But so long as Mexico balks at this proviso, we have big problems in River City.

Say what you want about Donald Trump, but he knew how to make a deal. Remain in Mexico was just fine when he was president. Now Humpty Dumpty might be broken on that one. Now we might not have enough "glue" to put this thing back together again. This could leave us with only one choice - lock the borders down. Finish the wall. Put people in jail for illegal trespass. We might have to go from the patsies that Biden made us appear to be, to harder than nails. Failure to do SOMETHING, will result in us having over 10 million illegals enter our country during Biden's term. And the remedy to fix that mess, might be repugnant to many on the left. This will be a big part of Biden's legacy. 

The Senate might as well pass HR2. And Biden better sign it. There really is no plan "B" right now, unless you consider the status quo plan "B". The citizens do not. Biden screwed this whole thing up from the get-go. It is all on him. Period, full stop. If he does not like HR2, that is tough toenails. If he had only left this alone from when he took office, we would not have this mess right now. But he did not. His seething hatred for Donald Trump caused this. Hatred Uncle Joe - you should know better. Nothing good ever comes out of hatred.

This will be the mess a go-go for the next few months. I have no clue how this will turn out. All I know is this - Texas has the cure. Lock it down and throw up the razor wire. All of a sudden, Texas has never looked so good.      


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