Sunday, May 20, 2018

No bad outcomes...

"There are many times I just have to remind myself of that simple fact. God is in control, I am not. Even though not every outcome will be the best while walking this Earth, we can rest assured the final outcome will be better than the best. How do we know that? It is God's promise to us. And that is all I need to know."  

Stepping back from politics on a Sunday morning, is a very good time to get reflective. Why? Because all week long, we are exposed to the very best, and sometimes the very worst that life has to offer. Sometimes life is indeed like the old expression tells us - a "bowl of cherries".  Other times, we wonder how we will get through the week.

Then the wake up call comes. A very serious health issue hits a close friend or loved one. And no matter how good or bad your week was or is, your concern now is for the person who might be in a life or death battle with a disease or injury.

This is a time in which people of faith are brought to their knees. Prayers for strength, prayers for healing. Prayers for the natural healing brought to bear by the skills of the medical professionals. Prayers for the supernatural healing of God Almighty when all natural healing has failed. Yet many times our prayers are answered with a quiet still voice for only believers to understand. A voice telling us everything will be all right. 

Why will everything be all right? It is really very simple. Death was given to us by Adam. The solution to death was given to us by Jesus. Believers in the Risen Christ know the rewards for our trust and faith, will be life eternal. A life so wonderful, words cannot even begin to describe it. In other words, there are no bad outcomes.

God is in control. He knew our name long before our parents conceived us. He knew the path He set for our life. And he knows the hour of our death. Most importantly, as many days as we dwell this beautiful yet broken world, we are surrounded by God's amazing Agape love.

There are many times I just have to remind myself of that simple fact. God is in control, I am not. Even though not every outcome will be the best while walking this Earth, we can rest assured the final outcome will be better than the best. How do we know that? It is God's promise to us. And that is all I need to know.  

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