Sunday, May 20, 2018

The real threat to our Second Amendment

"As tragic as school shootings are, they are often times made more tragic by those who pontificate on the Left. Those who try to make this about the NRA or the Second Amendment. Why do they do that? Let me quote Obama's former henchman, 'Sharp Elbows' Rahm Emanual: 'Never let a good crisis go to waste'. And they never do." 

For quite a while now, I have been penning articles about why we have a Second Amendment. I know, I know. It is like preaching to the choir, since most of the readers to this blog know as much (some a lot more) about the 2A as I do. But I always hope I can catch that one person who has an open mind and would like to learn more. And when I say learn more, I mean the truth.

Quite frankly, as the debate goes on and on, and then rekindled every time there is another school shooting, I retreat back to my rumination mode for some more deep thinking on this issue. Why? For the life of me, I can't understand why so many on the Left fail to grasp this is an all important issue is for them also. For their protection. Protection against a tyrannical, over-reaching government - gone amok. 

Then it hit me like a bolt out of the blue. I had been missing the forest through the trees. When you explain to a Leftist (who I explained in earlier articles is really a modern day Tory), you are really telling him (or her), it is to protect us all from the Tories! For the Tories ARE government! They worship the crown! The over-reaching government are usually comprised of Left leaning zealots, socialists and worse.

Whoa, whoa, whoa Bird! What about those governments who are coopted by Right wing nut balls? Like Hitler for example? The Nazi? Oh, do you mean the National Socialists? News flash - anything with "socialist" in the title is not "Right wing". Anyhow, Patriots who defend the 2A will not tolerate anyone threatening our most sacred founding documents.

I hate to say it, but I believe it to be true. As tragic as school shootings are, they are often times made more tragic by those who pontificate on the Left. Those who try to make this about the NRA or the Second Amendment. Why do they do that? Let me quote Obama's former henchman, "Sharp Elbows" Rahm Emanual: "Never let a good crisis go to waste". And they never do. 


  1. You nailed it! Lord, protect us from the Snowflakes.

  2. If you are going to insist on using facts and logic, you are never going to understand the situation!

    So here's a suggestion from form DOE Secretary Arne Duncan: All parents should boycott the schools until we pass gun control. See how easy this is? If no kids are in the school they cannot be shot. Perfect lefty "logic."
