Sunday, August 16, 2020

Slow walking, to a gallop, to warp speed

"If we lose in November, the fix will be in. The 'Great Reset' will become a juggernaut, and our great country will become the 'New Europe'."

There was a time not too long ago, that governments could become corrupted by small, incremental steps. So small, they were unnoticeable, except to the most observant. Many referred to that as the "boiling frog" method of change. Put a frog in a pot of water on the stove. Gradually, very gradually, turn the heat up under the pot of water. By the time the frog realized he was cooking, it was too late. That is the way it was, not too long ago, even with our government. The socialists came disguised as many different things, as they slowly infected our government - at all levels. Now - the jig is up. They are exposed, and they don't care.

The "slow walking" approach to change is now dead in America. We have entered into the phase of the "fast gallop". The socialists have pulled off their masks, and shed their veneer. They are making themselves seen and heard, both near and far. Their presence is not subtle - they are causing riots in our streets. They are assaulting and doxxing our law enforcement officers. Plus, having their surrogates in city leadership, allows them strip law enforcement of their authority and funding. All these changes are happening now at the speed of light. We have gone from a slow walk, to a fast gallop, to warp speed - in just a few months.

I have thought about this. Many times, and very deeply. Is this just "revolution for the hell of it", or is there something else going on? Oh, there is something else going on. The table is being being prepared for the "Big Reset". In other words, our almost 250 year old system of government, our system of economics, is about to be "deep sixed" by the socialists. Why? In their minds, our system is grossly unfair. I mean, why should your house be bigger than mine? Why do you make more money than me? Again in their minds, the game is rigged. They have no chance in capitalism. With socialism, the board is made even after the "Big Reset". Everyone is the same, has the same, and gets the same. Easy peasy. 

The Democrat Presidential nominee (Biden), was at one time considered to be more of a moderate than a progressive. Biden knew from the debates, if he were to stand a snowball's chance in getting the nomination, he needed to change his stripes. And he did. Harris, his VP pick, was at one time a "law and order" prosecutor and Attorney General in California. No longer. Recently, she was voted the most radical Senator in the United States Senate. Should they win in November, and if the Democrats retain the House, the "Big Reset" will have started. Having the Republicans retain control of the Senate will be of minimal value.

Our slide into the dark side, this uncontrolled side to the socialist side - is happening right now. Some have developed the "thousand yard stare", as they are frozen in the headlights of this out of control "thing", which is headed right for us. Others have given up on taking the red pill, and switched to the blue pill. In other words, the thinking is, "What is the use? There is nothing we can do to stop this. Just conform".

Then there is a minority of those on the right (or what used to be the right), who have joined the dark side (Kasich and Romney for example). Why? By becoming turncoats, they are hoping to become power players in the new regime. But turncoats are always expendable.

Finally, there are the patriots and the citizens. Us. The silent majority. The real stakeholders in this great country. Those of us who will not accept this great country being "reset" by traitors to the cause. This is where the battle will lie. A hill worth dying on.

We can all do the "would of, could of, should of" right now, or we can WAKE UP and realize what is coming is no shit for real. If we lose in November, the fix will be in. The "Great Reset" will become a juggernaut, and our great country will devolve into a "New Europe". No more better mousetraps, just sameness. Then come the ordinary, as well as equal, outcomes. 

What really happens to America? I was going to say, it will be relegated to the ash heap of history. But since the socialists are out to liquidate or change history, maybe the American Experiment will vanish quicker, and more completely, than Minnesota snow in June. But when the American Experience vanishes, unlike the melting snow, there won't even be a puddle remaining.     


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "This is where the battle will lie. A hill worth dying on."

    And, if it's necessary, I will.
