Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Queen of Mean, et al.

"Tonight, Sleepy Joe will tell the very few people who are still watching, what his 'vision' for America is. To him I say hold your breath Joe - we already know what your vision is."

Rejoice my fellow travelers! Only one more night to endure. Endure what? The first ever virtual sob fest, brought to you by the party which at one time was known as the Democrats. Today, I don't really know what the DNC or the Democrats stand for. It sure is not the party of John Kennedy or Hubert Humphrey. It is the party of pussy hats, Cardi B, Hollywood, atheists, abortionists, Antifa, open borders, BLM, sanctuary cities, and mostly - nut balls.

Last night it was the Queen of Mean (aka Hillary) and her court of jesters. It was supposed to have been the BIG NIGHT for the first "woman of color" (whatever that is), ever to be on a Presidential ticket. But enough about Kamala. I want to talk about the vision of the what used to be called the Democrat Party. It was parroted over and over again. By Hillary, by Obama, and by every speaker last night. Their vision is get rid of Trump. Period. End of story. And somebody might wonder why the ratings are so low for this debacle.

Actually, after watching the party once known as Democrats, the Republicans don't need to hold a convention. There is nothing they could do or say, which would give a more compelling argument to vote for them. More compelling than what we are watching this week. After this week, I dare say that anyone who votes blue in November, should go the doctor have take the "senior test". That is the test where you to draw a clock, and tell what time it is. Today, voting blue is reserved for people who have no clue of the day, the date, or the year - much less the time of day. Last night was Exhibit "A" to that fact.

Meanwhile, there are battles raging in most every big blue city right now. People are being pulled out of their vehicles, beat, shot at, chased - by a mob of misfits dressed in black. Nothing, not a word was mentioned at this convention, on how to stop this mess. However, we did hear a veiled threat by "Michelle my Bell", that things were going to get worse if Donald Trump gets re-elected. To that, I give a full throated response of HORSE FEATHERS! The only thing which will stop these mutts and misfits, is when they overthrow of our current system of government. That is why they support the party of blue, as the blue party might be able to swing the deal. 

Someone asked me if there was any person who is currently in the party once known as Democrats, which I could vote for. Ah - no. And I thought about that long and hard. This clown car has been going on for some time now, and every two years it seems to get worse. On our side, we have had RINO Republicans - and plenty of them. Slowly, we are finally getting rid of them. In the past, many elections have been our RINOs, running against statists and socialists.

Because of the choice we have been given in many elections, voting has become a matter of holding your nose, and then heading into the booth. That is - until this business guy from New York decide to run in 2016. He was not a RINO, and certainly not a socialist. He was and is, a game changer. A bit rough around the edges, sometimes unorthodox, he gets the job done. And - he keeps his promises. Now, instead of holding noses when voting, Donald Trump's supporters are excited to see him get re-elected!

If someone cannot see or hear the difference between Donald Trump's party of opportunity, and the other side (which is exposing their twisted truths night after night), more coffee might be needed. Heck, even with this China virus still raging, both Target Stores and Apple have set new financial milestones. During his next term, and assuming we have the virus under control by then, great things will happen for all under a Trump Administration. And under a Biden Administration? You can fill in the blanks on that one. 

Tonight, Sleepy Joe will tell the very few people who are still watching, what his "vision" for America is. To him I say hold your breath Joe - we already know what your vision is. We saw it for eight long and arduous years when you were teamed up with Obama. No thanks Joe - we have already seen that movie. Now go back to sleep.        

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