Thursday, August 6, 2020

Worse than Mumbles?

"Walz has been an unmitigated disaster as Governor. He is in the deep end of the pool, not knowing how to swim, and not wearing a life jacket."

After Mark Dayton beat Tom Emmer for Governor, I thought I had seen everything. I felt that Dayton, who was the ultimate Democrat bottom feeder, would be a terrible Governor. I was right. He was worse than bad. How could he have beaten a guy like Tom Emmer? A defector from the Republican Party ran as a third party candidate. If that had not happened, we would not have "Rocks and Cows" right now. We would have Governor Emmer instead of Congressman Emmer.

Fast forward four years. The Republicans found even a better candidate than Tom Emmer to run for Governor. How do I know? I know (and like) both men quite well. Jeff Johnson was honed for this job. His background was beyond reproach. This time there was no third party defector to muck things up. I was on Jeff's team, and we knew we had this cinched. We were wrong. As good as Jeff's name recognition was in the metro area, he was somewhat unknown out state. Mark "Mumbles" Dayton won again.

Besides being incompetent, "Mumbles" had some medical issues. Many wondered if he could fill out his term. But somehow he did, and he was not running again. The Democrats needed to pick a new leader. They settled on a carpetbagger from Nebraska, who had somehow got elected to be the Congressman from southern Minnesota. On our side, Jeff Johnson decided to run again. I again was on Jeff's team. This was going to be his year.

Tim Walz had already dissed his congressional district by saying there was nothing there except "rocks and cows". He had other issues also (military), but just like with Dayton's shortcomings, Jeff was too nice of a guy to lay either of them bare. Somehow, "Rocks and Cows" Walz beat a highly qualified guy like Jeff Johnson.

Walz has been an unmitigated disaster as Governor. He is in the deep end of the pool, not knowing how to swim, and not wearing a life jacket. Between how he has handled the pandemic, and how he has handled the burning down of Minneapolis, he has shown himself to be both a dolt and a boob.

Just the other day, my wife said to me, "I did not think we could do any worse than Dayton, but somehow we have." BINGO! In this deep blue state, we have an unlimited number of idiots who run on the "D" ticket, and because the socialists have taken over the metro areas, they get elected. If it hadn't been "Mumbles" or "Rocks and Cows", it would have been some other moron being elected as Governor.

We need to face facts folks. This state has turned into the ultimate "Yellow Dog" Democrat state. Remember that term? Democrats are so cowed in this state, they would vote for a yellow dog if it were on the ticket. In mean, look at CD 5 in Minnesota. That person is worse than "Mumbles" and "Rocks and Cows" rolled into one.

Just as New York and California are bleeding people right now (especially the folks with money), look for Minnesota to be close behind them. How do I know? All you need do is look at the moron fest in Minneapolis right now. That type of voter idiocy has contagion written all over it. Watch out Greater Minnesota - this contagion is worse than the pandemic.  


1 comment:

  1. "...he has shown himself to be both a dolt and a boob."

    Why, those words could be set to music: "...the land of the dolt & the home of the boob!"
