Thursday, April 15, 2021

Biden's sinister packers

"Where do we go from here? Are we screwed, is there something legislatively the Republicans can do, or is it time to get the torches and pitchforks?" 

Senator Biden, from years back, had a chance to pontificate in front of the Senate (something he was good at). The subject? Court packing. Biden did not like it. He talked about when FDR wanted to pack the court in years gone by. "That is a bone headed idea." This is one of the few things that I agree with Slo Joe on. But that was then, and this is now. Today (as was announced yesterday), Biden has his minions in the House and Senate, doing his bidding. To do what? Court packing legislation. Who is the point guy in the House? The infamous "Wadler" from New York.

But - here we go. This is the big battle coming up. Our only chance is to have enough sane Democrats in the Senate side with the Republicans. To beat this back. However, if the Senate adjudicator rules that the Senate can rule on this issue with only a 51 vote majority, and all Democrats "toe the line", this could be it. The spark which lights the fire.

One of the Republican Senators who was interviewed yesterday about this issue, had an interesting, yet ominous take. "This will take our court system, and turn it into part of the legislative branch. It will take the backstop, the safety net, out of any unconstitutional legislation." In other words, increasing the SCOTUS from 9 to 13, will give the Democrats carte blanche on anything. Tie that in with passing HR 1, and then making DC and Puerto Rico states, we will then have one party rule (socialists) going out to the horizon. The Great Reset will then be complete, and Slo Joe ("this a bone headed idea"), will have presided over it. 

Where do we go from here? Are we screwed, is there something legislatively the Republicans can do, or is it time to get the torches and pitchforks? When Obama first became President, and made good on his promise to revamp our healthcare (ObamaCare), many of us were shocked. We knew that ObamaCare would be a game changer (and it was). But these radical changes that Biden and his minions in the House and Senate want to implement, make ObamaCare look like a walk in the park. These Biden driven changes in 2021, will end our Republic as we know it. 

Some people think Biden is a "flip flopper". I disagree. What Biden is doing now, goes far beyond flip flopping. The Democrats have gone from the loyal opposition, to true enemies of the state. They are not enemies at the gate - they are inside the gate. They are in charge. And Biden is their leader. 

This is something we all need to pay attention to. The wheels are already in motion. These are dangerous times.    

1 comment:

  1. "Are we screwed, is there something legislatively the Republicans can do, or is it time to get the torches and pitchforks?"

    Fortunately better weapons are available--& if Sloppy Joe & his herd of donkeys try to change that, we'll start deploying them.
