Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Judge Cahill, the Minneapolis Zookeeper.

"My opinion has never changed on one item. This trial should have been held outstate. Way, way too many distractions, by holding it in Minneapolis."

Welcome to the 2021 version of the OJ trial. What in the world does this trial have in common with the OJ trial? Not a thing. Except for one thing - it is probably the most watched trial we have had in this country, since the OJ trial. Other than that, they are as similar as day is to night time.

For example, OJ had the "dream team" defending him. Remember Johnnie Cochran ("if the glove fits, you must acquit")? In this trial, it is the prosecution who has the "dream team". The AG, 100 of his lawyers (yes, the department is that large), and who's who of pro bono superstars to help the prosecution. The defense? Eric Nelson. It is for sure, a legal David vs. Goliath trial.

We have the Justice Brothers in town (of course, can't have a trial like this, without having those two race baiters), Auntie Maxie, and all the local socialist nut balls (including the Governor and Mayor of the Mill City), shooting off their mouths, with VERY inappropriate and unsolicited comments and rhetoric. 

Plus, before the trial even started, there was a HUGE payment given to the Floyd family by the Minneapolis City Council (Why not? It is not their money). This just added to the side shows, while Judge Cahill was trying to run a normal, and orderly trial. Because of all these distractions, Judge Cahill at times, is more a zookeeper than a judge. 

I think Aunt Maxie was the one who might have given the defense the keys to the kingdom. The "Golden Ticket". Even though Aunt Maxie might have thrown this trial into a mistrial, the Judge held it together. HOWEVER - Judge Cahill told the defense this Aunt Maxie stuff might be the path to appeal. In the minds of some legal types who are paying attention, there might have already been reasons for appeal. But Aunt Maxie might have sealed the deal. 

How is this going to end up? Unknown, as to what the verdict will be. But if I were a betting man, I would say once this trial is over, it will not be over. An appeal should be forthcoming. Then the question to be asked is this - will an appeal lead to community unrest? Or, if Chauvin is convicted of anything less than first degree murder (which he is NOT charged with), will that cause an eruption of rioting and mayhem? 

My opinion has never changed on one item. This trial should have been held outstate. Way, way too many distractions, by holding it in Minneapolis. Between the heavy police presence, the National Guard, the fencing - Minneapolis around the Government Center, looks like an encampment, instead of a city. A trial held in an outstate city, might not have had the same effect.

However this ends up, Judge Cahill deserves a "well done". Maybe once this is over, Judge Cahill can go back to just being a judge, instead of a zookeeper.  

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