Sunday, April 18, 2021

Our "change agent" in charge?

For those who voted for Biden, here it is. I hope you like it. For the rest of us, there is no love lost here. We long for the days, when just a few short months ago, we had a President who wanted America to be great and greater again. What do we have now? You tell me.  

Years ago, at a company I worked at, a new director was appointed over the group I was with. She did not know much about what we all did (she came from another discipline), but she loved change. At one of our first staff meetings, she announced, "I want you all to be change agents - agents of change." We talked about that for a while, and then bantered about some ideas. Then she said, "Everything we do is going to be subject to change." Since I was one of the salty dogs in the group, and had been around for a while, I responded by saying, "Maybe not all change is good. Maybe somethings are good right now." It was as if I had spoken heresy. It was for sure a "mic drop" moment.

I thought about that time in my career in relation to our new President. When Biden assumed the office, everything needed to change. Anything Trump, or even sounding like Trump - needed to go. Even though some of the things that Trump had initiated, were good. Maybe even optimal. That did not matter. Our new "change agent" President, needed to change everything. The result? We have strained relations with Russia, our gas prices are going up, food prices are going up, natural gas is going up, the southern border is a mess, and we have mayhem in the streets. I will repeat what I said years ago - not all change is good. 

I looked at our country right now and scratch my head in bewilderment. How in the world, could we have elected such a clueless dolt? Then it dawned on me. Our electorate has become so uninformed, they chose a guy who looks harmless, and thinks of himself as a "nice guy", over someone who is a rough and tumble, get things done, businessman from New York.

The fact that Biden is an idiot, who never has accomplished ANYTHING, did not matter to many of the minions who voted for him. Getting rid of Donald Trump and his gruff demeanor, was far more important, than having a country which worked. Do the people who voted for Biden have "buyer's remorse"? Any, what so ever? Nope. Biden's approval ratings are still higher than Trump's were. That leaves many of us, shaking our collective heads in amazement.

It is not just Biden that people who want change voted for. Look at many of our bluest cities. The minions who voted for city leaders and mayors, also wanted to "reimagine" law enforcement. In Minneapolis, the City Council would love to have the cops gone, and replaced by "influencers" and social workers. The result of such confused thinking? Cops all over the country now, are being besmirched and assaulted. They are no longer looked upon as heroes by the socialists - they are looked upon as heels. Not the friend, but the enemy. 

Obama, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Nadler (the list goes on and on) - they are the problem right now. The problem was never Donald Trump. But Trump was hated and reviled by the left. Why? He was an iconoclast as well as he was anachronistic. He wanted to "turn over the tables in the temple" (drain the swamp), but at the same time restore our founding values of faith, family, and opportunity. In other words, Donald Trump stood for everything the left hates. He had to go. He had to go, and be replaced by a confused, aging old man, who would change everything, and then allow our country to slip into the abyss.

We get the government we deserve. For those who voted for Biden, here it is. I hope you like it. For the rest of us, there is no love lost here. We long for the days, when just a few short months ago, we had a President who wanted America to be great and greater again. What do we have now? You tell me.  

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