Monday, April 12, 2021

Unfit for duty - again

"Walz could be 100% right, or 100% wrong. Or somewhere in-between. The bottom line is this - Walz has shown one more time, he is unfit for duty."

The worst thing which could happen to the Twin Cities area, happened again last night. Three people lost their lives to violence. Two were involved in a gunfight, while driving in two different cars. What happened, nobody knows as yet. All we do know is this - two people, decided to use guns to settle a difference, and both ended up dying because of it. Is there a back story to this incident? Probably - but we don't know what it is as yet. All we know is that two families are mourning today.

In addition, we had a police involved shooting in Brooklyn Center yesterday. What do we know about it so far? Not much. We know a cop pulled a young black man over due to an outstanding warrant (allegedly), and then something happened. The young black man got into his car to drive away. Then he was shot by the police. Is there a back story here? Count on it. At this point in time, we simply don't know what is. We only know one thing - just like with the other two men who shot each other, there is a family in Brooklyn Center who is mourning today. 

I guess however, there is one person who says he knows exactly what happened yesterday in Brooklyn Center. Our hapless Governor. The one who allowed parts of the city of Minneapolis to burn to the ground during the George Floyd riots. In true "Rocks and Cows" fashion, our Governor immediately tweeted out yesterday, that we needed to pray for the young man's family, as this was another case of a "young black man being shot by police". As is said in show business, that was a "mic dropping" moment. Walz does not know what happened yesterday. He was only speculating. Playing for points. Walz could be 100% right, or 100% wrong. Or somewhere in-between. The bottom line is this - Walz has shown one more time, he is unfit for duty.

As the next few days unfold, we will find out more of the truth. Body cameras will be analyzed, witnesses will be interviewed, and more and more, the real story will be learned. Will this end up in a trial like the Chauvin incident? Maybe - but right now, we don't know. 

Truthfully, after the George Floyd incident, I thought we would not see a police shooting again involving police and a young black man. The fuse is way too short in the community.

Besides having true justice play out in the aftermath of yesterday's tragedy, the most important thing for us to have is leaders acting like leaders. Both Walz and Frey failed miserably on this during the Floyd riots. It seems like Walz did not learn his lesson from last summer. Now it is up to the public to pay the price for Walz's dereliction of duty. 

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