Saturday, April 10, 2021

Woken up? Woke? Or just a joke?

"This is the way Joe Biden and the socialists "bring us together". By making us hate and distrust each other more than under Obama."

For a short period of time, Deval Patrick had thrown his hat in the ring to be the Democrat nominee for President. When asked by the press what he would bring to the party, he started out with the usual socialist Democrat dribble, but then said something interesting and revealing. "It is not so important that many of us are "woke" right now - what I want to do is ensure we continue to wake up." Translation = he was all in, for the Great Reset. And, he could not wait to drive that train. But alas and alack - Patrick's campaign fizzled out and he went back to his former life.

In case you missed it this week, the new CDC director who does not know her butt from a six pack of beer, gave a dire warning. We have another pandemic. GASP! What? Is it one of the Covid - 19 variants? Smallpox? The new Covid -21 that Gates has warned us about? No - much worse than that. Racism. We have a pandemic of racism, and need to wake up and get "woke" about it!

Also, in case you have missed it, Biden has ordered our military to get more "woke". Become aware of our racist history, and how we are strapped with white privilege. Slo Joe even had the SECDEF order a force wide stand down, to search for (gasp!) white supremists in the ranks. Never mind the force could also contain members of the BLM and Antifa. Nope. The military must search the ranks to see if any Proud Boys or QAnon slipped in through the back door. 

Why is this so critical for our military? Why do we need to give them an anal exam, to see what their politics are (or were)? The standing joke in my days in the military, was the mission of the Marines. "Break things and kill people sir", the saying would go. In other words, our fighting men and women were not trained to be reconcilers or pacifists. The fighting branch of our military was trained to be a lean, mean fighting machine. To keep the peace through strength. The others in the military, had the job of supporting these brave sailors and soldiers.

The narrative the left is spewing right now is the worse I have seen in my adult life. Convince the white people they have a racist past, and are blinded to change, due to their white privilege. At the same time, convince black folk they are still highly disadvantaged, discriminated against, hopeless, and without the cloak of big government, have no future. This is the way Joe Biden and the socialists "bring us together". By making us hate and distrust each other, more than we did under Obama.

I guess the message of Dr. King fell deaf on many ears in the new socialist party. Color blind, and content of character, are antithetical concepts to the message of being "woke". My feeling of "woke" right now is it is no joke. It is dangerous. It is ruining the country. Ruining our fine military. Ruining our healthcare. All because of the Great Reset, and the traitors who want to see it come to fruition.

Wake up citizens and patriots! The "woke folk" are really the enemies at the gate. Nothing more, nothing less. On second thought, these misfits are inside the gate. Inside Washington. Stay ready - the brainwashing brought to us by the "woke folk" has already begun.   

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