Tuesday, October 15, 2024

2025 - A dagger to the heart for Russia? Or more poking the Bear?

"In his desire to re-live the Cold War of the Soviets against NATO, Putin is ready to set the world on fire just to get one last chance. One more bite at the apple. And he just might use his nukes to drive home that point." 

Guess what? Russia is running out of gas. Not gasoline (yet), running out of gas as a metaphor to how to keep this insane war with Ukraine going. I will tell you what Russia is running out of - it is running out of tanks, armor, troops, goodwill and pretty soon, maybe money. Russia has devolved from a respected state after the exiting of the Soviet Union, to a pariah today. And Putin has gone from a strong leader to a self-absorbed lunatic.

To make matters worse for Russia, Saudi Arabia has had their fill of the carnage going on in Ukraine. So much so, they are considering a "dagger to the heart" to Russia (economically). Oil is trading at almost $90/barrel. Not too long ago, the Saudis thought it would be a good idea to get the price of a barrel of oil up to $100. All the oil producers would gain from this increase - even baddies like Russia and Iran. 

BUT - the Saudis have recently come out and announced they are considering lowering the price of a barrel of oil to $50. Why? To punish Russia for what they are doing to Ukraine. Would this self-inflicted wound hurt Saudi Arabia? Sure, but nothing compared to what it would do to Russia. It might hurt Russia so bad, Putin would have no choice but to call it a day. Bring his troops home. Stop the war.

During the past two years, Putin has proven himself to be worthy of being the Red Horseman from the Bible. The Bible depicts the Red Horseman as the one who has the power to take peace from the world and make people kill each other. Based on the KIA list from both Russia and Ukraine, it would be hard to argue that Putin is not that guy. 

But a leopard does not change his spots. Both Poland and Germany are convinced that Russia wants to make a play for NATO, and the next war might start in either of those countries. As such, both Germany and Poland are arming themselves to the teeth. As are the Nordic countries of NATO. In his desire to re-live the Cold War of the Soviets against NATO, Putin is ready to set the world on fire just to get one last chance. One more bite at the apple. And he just might use his nukes to drive home that point. 


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