Saturday, October 5, 2024

Wrong about Donald Trump?

"The best part of my dream last night was that Trump won the election. If Kamala had won, the dream would have turned into a nightmare, and I would have woken up in a cold sweat. But Trump winning, is one of those dreams which must come true. For the sake of the nation, it must come true."     

I had a dream last night. I dreamt that Donald Trump won the election, and everything was as great as it was the last time he was president. Even better. People had more money, less illegal immigration, abundant gas and electricity, low to no inflation, and the world was at peace. Things were so good, that even the staunchest Trump haters, admitted that they were wrong about Donald Trump. Then I woke up.

Here is the reality, and not a dream. Everything could be as I described it in my dream, and many on the left would still hate Donald Trump with every fiber of their being. Why? Hearts that are cold as ice. Let's face it. People who see nothing wrong with aborting a baby up to the time of birth (yes, Walz did sign that bill), have no problem with hating another person with a passion. There is nothing Trump could do or say which would win over the Trump haters. How can somebody hate this deeply? Most Christians cannot answer that question, as that type of hate is antithetical to our faith.

Today Donald Trump returns to Butler, PA for a rally. On the news this morning, a news crew was already at the rally site. So were a zillion or so people. Because so many think what happened there was a miracle (it very well could have been), this area has become almost a holy site. For Donald Trump to return to the very same site which almost cost him his life, well, the chance to be there was alluring to thousands of Trump supporters. The camera showed the road leading into the venue. Since it was still dark, the headlights seemed to stretch into infinity. Kind of like the Field of Dreams movie.

I am going to slightly jump off of topic for a minute. We are very blessed in this country right now to have two individuals who are indeed a rare breed. Two individuals who are changing the landscape. Donald Trump, for his leadership and acumen on running the country, and Elon Musk for how he is changing industry. It is no accident that these two men have found friendship with each other. What a dynamic pair that is!

The best part of my dream last night was that Trump won the election. If Kamala had won, the dream would have turned into a nightmare, and I would have woken up in a cold sweat. But Trump winning, is one of those dreams which must come true. For the sake of the nation, it must come true.     

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