Thursday, October 17, 2024

OMK (Oh, My Kamala!)

"Did appearing on Fox help Kamala? No. Did it hurt her more? Probably not - most already have made up their minds about her. It did show however, how easily she would be played by a tough world leader. Ergo - the endorsement by the Russians and the Iranians." 

Wow! What a night last night! Because she is not doing as well as she should be doing, she (or her handlers) had her going into the "belly of the beast". She went on Fox News to face off with Bret Baier. Gasp! A real journalist? A person who would ask our fair maiden from California questions tougher than "what kind of ice cream do you like". Or questions like Bill Clinton would get - "What kind of underwear to you use." No, Kamala got real questions. And she did not like them, not one bit.

She even tried that old trick of hers on the wily old veteran Bret Baier. "I am talking now!" But Bret needed to interrupt her. Otherwise, she would have blathered on forever and a day. What was she saying? Not much. Word salads. Talk much, say little. Did she explain her programs? Nope. Was it just platitudes? Yep. It is no wonder that both the Iranians and Putin have endorsed her (true story). She would be a push over. Trump on the other hand, would have both Russia and Iran towing the line.

Towards the end of the interview, Kamala was frustrated and angry. She decided to pull out her big gun, even though it was not relevant to the questions being asked. "I have just shared a stage with a whole bunch of Never Trumpers and RINOs (my words), and none of them want Donald Trump to serve again." Baier did not respond - he went back to the question he asked. Kamala continued, "And if I am elected, I will appoint a Republican to my cabinet." Okay - we all know that would be Liz Cheney. She is as much Republican right now as I am Democrat.

Was it a "cringe worthy" thirty minutes? Not for the Trump supporters. For them it was great entertainment. But for Kamala's team, it was death by a thousand cuts. For the first time, Kamala went up against the "A" team - and lost badly. This was not like sipping a beer with Colbert and playing footsie with him. This was not like being on The View and having a love fest with the gals. This was real journalism. Where she needed to supply real answers, not slogans.

Did appearing on Fox help Kamala? No. Did it hurt her more? Probably not - most already have made up their minds about her. It did show however, how easily she would be played by a tough world leader. Ergo - the endorsement by the Russians and the Iranians. When you go and vote, remember last night. Is this the country you want for the next four years?

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