Monday, October 7, 2024

On a razor's edge and tighter than a tick

"Here is our conundrum as I see it. Once this election is over, and the dust settles, and assuming of course both parties think the voting was fair, one side will be satisfied, and the other side will be somewhere between dissatisfied and totally pissed off. That will be our country going into 2025." 

Heard an interesting tidbit from a pundit yesterday. The Congress, and the upcoming election. As we know, right now, our House of Representatives is just about 50-50, with a very slight edge going to the red team. The Senate? Almost the same way. Almost 50-50, with a very slight edge going to the blue team. What does this mean? With many of the consequential House and Senate races being very tight, both the House and Senate could either stay the same, or one or the other could switch. In any event, the make-up of the new Congress, in both the House and Senate will be on a razor's edge.

And then we have the race for the White House. Is one side finally starting to pull away from the other? Nope. Still very close. This all-important race could swing either way, depending on who turns out to vote. And dare I say it? It also depends on voter integrity. If there is even a whiff of shenanigans or cheating of any kind, that will be like a match lighting a fire.

Here is a strange fact which keeps spinning around in my head. Evangelicals, when they vote, almost always vote red. But - here is the odd part. Many don't vote. Why? Beats me. The experts say if every evangelical votes, Trump wins big. Also gun owners. Most vote red when they vote. But many (for reasons I can't explain) - don't vote. Again, if every gun owner voted this time around, Trump wins big. What am I saying? With those two huge voting blocs alone, this race is Trumps to lose.

Here is our conundrum as I see it. Once this election is over, and the dust settles, and assuming of course both parties think the voting was fair, one side will be satisfied, and the other side will be somewhere between dissatisfied and totally pissed off. That will be our country going into 2025. 

As much as I long to have Trump as our next president, the memories of the overt hatred and vitriol aimed at this man when he won in 2016 still haunts me. Will a President Trump in 2025 experience the same as before? By the same token, I keep hearing from many that (after Biden), they could not stomach more of the same from Kamala. What does all this mean? It means the chant of "Not my president" will be heard from the huddled masses, no matter who wins. Welcome to our new America.   

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