Friday, October 4, 2024

How in the world can FEMA run out of money???

"Finally, now a postscript. My BS filter is full of listening after listening to the claptrap which comes from this bureaucratic garbage. After seeing how Biden and Harris have spent trillions on whatever, don't tell me that FEMA is out of money. Don't you dare! Now go help our people and shut your pie hole!"  

I served with a guy when I was overseas. Very nice man, good operator, big problem. His problem was so big, that he had to stand tall in front of the skipper more than once. He could not manage his money. That with a bit of a drinking problem, let him to be broke constantly. Always borrowing money and having a tough time paying it back. The skipper finally had to order him to stay on base, away from the club, so he could have his bills paid by the time he was to rotate off the island. What eventually happened to him? I don't know, but he might be running FEMA right now!

What is happening right now in the south, reminds me of what happened after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. There was a painful lesson learned after the water receded in the Big Easy - help was not on the way. For many folks, they were on their own. Almost 1,000 people died in the city of New Orleans. New Orleans, one of the 50 largest cities in the country, one of the busiest ports in the country, became a place too hard to get to. A place to hard to rescue folks from. That is the story right now in parts of the Carolinas, Tennesse and Georgia. 

In many parts of the damaged areas, there is nothing left. No stores, no banks, no food - nothing. It is like living on a deserted island, waiting for a ship to pass by. What is FEMA's solution to the hardest hit? Give them a check (in the next ten days) for $750. Where are they going to cash it when there are no banks? What are they going to buy with it when there are no stores? FEMA does not care. Oh, and here is the kicker. The man who screws everything up, Secretary Mayorkas, has announced FEMA is just about out of money. Seems they have spent too much on housing illegal immigrants from the Border Control budget. So, if you get a check, find a place to cash it quickly - otherwise it might just bounce.

The thought I had after Katrina hit is a similar thought I have in the aftermath of this storm. What in the would we do (God forbid) should a nuke ever hit one of our cities? We get flummoxed from a hurricane - what in the world would we do with a radiated city, and tens of thousands of dying citizens, needing food, water, and medical attention? Does FEMA have a solution for a disaster such as that, or will be running around like chickens with our heads cut off, like we did with Katrina or are doing with Helene?

It is sad to say that this disaster in our southland will end up being another lesson learned for our government. Or will it? Seems we learned nothing from the Katriana disaster. First off, forget giving people money right after the disaster. Money can come at a later time. What do people need? Check out Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The first tier, the most important one, is food and water. People can't live very long without fresh drinking water. 

One final thing. Just like when the fires hit Maui, don't insult people. Don't have some government type on site handing out checks for $750 to people who have just lost everything. Our goal as Americans should be to help our fellow citizens become whole once again. Not to add insult to injury. 

Finally, now a postscript. My BS filter is full of listening after listening to the claptrap which comes from this bureaucratic garbage. After seeing how Biden and Harris have spent trillions on whatever, don't tell me that FEMA is out of money. Don't you dare! Now go help our people and shut your pie hole!  

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