Sunday, October 13, 2024

War (!) or Peace (?) in 2025

"But wait. Is this really going to be all about war? What ever happened to peace? Is peace even possible anymore? It should be. We are on the cusp of some great explorations, some great inventions, some great innovations."

I swear sometimes I have stepped into some kind of vortex and was transported back to the days of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. There are times I really wonder if we will make it to 2025 before something big and bad breaks out. By the same token, there are times I think we are living in an age of great possibilities. Unbelievable change. Peace and prosperity? Depends on who wins the election.

Israel is getting ready to really spank Iran for unleashing almost 200 ballistic missiles on them a few weeks ago. They may target Iran's nuclear program, or their oil fields, or both. Rumors are already flying that Iran set off an underground nuclear test (we read it as an earthquake) and are inches away from having a deliverable bomb. Iran has also threatened the Saudis with some kind of bad outcome should they continue to have a relationship with Israel. Bottom line? Just as the Bible has predicted, Israel is at ground zero for a big (and maybe final) war.

Not to be outshined in the area of death and destruction, the war in Ukraine rolls on. Russia keeps hinting on making this war more than just Ukraine - make it for all the marbles. In other words, just like the Jets and the Sharks in West Side Story, enough of the dancing around - time for a knife fight with NATO. When that war comes, will it be conventional, nuclear, or both? I don't know, but I do know this much. The war birds measure in the legions right now, and the peaceniks are few and far between. All it will take is a match, and Europe will be up in flames (again).

But wait. Is this really going to be all about war? What ever happened to peace? Is peace even possible anymore? It should be. We are on the cusp of some great explorations, some great inventions, some great innovations. Much of what is happening will not be confined to only one country - it (they) will be for all of mankind. The end of hunger, having fresh drinking water for everyone, abundant and clean energy, exploration of the seas and the skies - these are all in the offing.

But this war thing - it is the plague of mankind now as it has been in the past. Why can't we beat our swords into plowshares? Why can't we live in peace? Act as one race - the human race.

We can't for one reason. We, all of us, were born with a carnal nature. That is a fact. It is our duality - the way which we are wired. Part for peace (selflessness), part for war (selfishness). The question is - which part will prevail in 2025? Why is that so important? Because making it to 2026 might just depend on it.



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