Saturday, February 9, 2013

Left Out


"Even a broken clock can tell the correct time twice a day..."

Hello? Where are you? Are you still here? You were here quite often during the time of Bush (41) and Bush (43). Now you are gone. We miss you. I get upset when many call Code Pink, Women Against Military Madness and other fringe groups hypocrites. You are not hypocrites. I know for a fact that if President Bush (either one) targeted Americans with drones without due process, you would be fine with it. Just as you are with this Administration.
The fact is, things are pretty dull right now. Not that there is nothing going on that deserves attention. Come to think of it, where are the good reverends? You know, Jesse and Al. The ones who constantly demand social justice. Pretty quiet right now. That is interesting when you consider this fact as printed in the Washington Post last December:

The African American jobless rate is about twice that of whites, a disparity that has barely budged since the government began tracking the data in 1972. In last week’s jobs report, the black unemployment rate was 13.2 percent, while the white rate stood at 6.8 percent.

Jesse and Al would hammer President Bush about the sky high black unemployment rate under his Administration. It got as high as 11.5%. However, now that it is 13.2% under President Obama, both the reverends seem to have developed laryngitis. Not only about the economy, buy also the murder rate in Chicago. Other than Jesse calling for Homeland Security to send in troops, it has been pretty quiet. The interesting fact is the murder rate during last year of the Bush presidency was 508 - almost the exact number killed in 2012 under the Obama presidency.

How about the war in Afghanistan? The number of dead and wounded has skyrocked under President Obama. The Left? Not much heard except "well, he inherited this mess". By the way - so did President Bush. If we had not been attacked on 9/11, we would have never gotten involved in this unforgiving country. Where is Cindy Sheehan today? Why is she not camped out in front of President Obama's house in Chicago like she did President Bush's house in Texas?

Lets face this brutal fact. The Left is as hollow as a donut. The "peace movement" and most other "social justice" movements are nothing more than political action committees for the Democrats. If Mitt had won the last election, the protesters would be out in droves right now. Benghazi, the drones, the economy, and so on would be front and center with protest marches in most every city. This President however, can get away with murder (no pun intended).

My counsel to those on the Left is this - if you really want to be taken serious by others than in the main stream media, be true to your cause, no matter which way the wind is blowing.

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